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I need Pspice help for a newbie!

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Oct 7, 2001
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Pspice help for a newbie

Hi, until now i haven't used this kind of software. But now, i need to learn pspice for simulating power electronics circuits. I have orcad 9.0 package. I didn't install but there must be pspice program in this package. So, i don't know where to start. My time is limited. Because i must start to use this program immediately. What do you suggest me?

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May be helpfull for you!


any error messages

What sort of error message do you get when you try to install the programs?

You have to install the program to get to PSpice because the files are compressed on the CD.

Are you using the file on the CD that is called something like setup.exe?

I don't think seyyah have any problems installing the program. He just want to know how to use the program to simulate circuits, so he just want to get a link for some kind of turtorial for PSpice, or some beginners help for getting started simulating.
Please be more specific about your problem seyyah, so we all know what you're asking for.

First there is no way that you could use Pspice without installing the Software as it is not openly accesible from the CD.
Second there are some tutorials and example provided with pspice which can be utilised to get a feel of Pspice


if it is use

If your problem is getting to PSpice after installing from the CD you have two choices. One is to use the schematic capture program to draw the circuit and it will write a net list. PSpice can be run from schematic editor.

You can also use a text editor to write a net list. Then run PSpice by using the start menu or going to the folder where it is stored and double click on it.

It may be overall faster for you to do the netlist with a text editor than to have to learn to use the schematic capture program first. If you write the net list directly you will have to include the .commands on their own lines in the net list to tell PSpice what calculations to do and how to display them.

Pspice installation

I think that the problem is with the serials of the installation. For example to install Orcad9.2 you need the next serials:
Capture A
CaptureCIS B
LayoutStd E
LayoutPlus F
LayoutEngEd G
PSpice H
PSpiceAD I
PSpiceADBasics J
PSpiceOptimizer K

Maybe the problem is in the serials. Please specify the problem and I help you if is possible. I have Orcad 9.2. I don't know the Orcad9 installation. I hope be usefull. Regards

Pspice tutorial

Sorry about confusion. My problem isn't about installation. I want you to show me the best way to start to simulate the power electronics circuit with PSpice. For example; a good tutorial, that covers necessary basics to start, may be helpful and good. I think, after i began to use, i can learn other things easier.

pspice tutorial

Hello seyyah,
go to:
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there are some links to pspice tutorials.
I hope it will help you.


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