i need help for "square rooter"

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Newbie level 6
Dec 29, 2004
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my term project is about "square rooter" integrated circuit. I have to explain its working principle and simulate it on H-spice
First of all i need to understdand the circuit, do you have any links about this(how it works and in what way it is used practically), I will be happy if anyone help me to understand this circuit or post the project he/she made about square rooter
I am uploading the scheme of it

Dear Volkan
Check LM194 super pair ic.
And you read about log amplifer.

Kolay gelsin

Hi volkan,

A "square rooter" can be obtained placing a squarer in the feedback part of an operational amplfier. That squarer is a block with a relationship between output current and input voltage of the form Io=k*Vi^2. It is made with a multplier cell.



how abt taking a log of the number and then its antilog? i have studied the implementation (not board level) of thse circuits using Opamp in my course.. any badsic book has them too... hope this helps.. incase u are interested i ll try to get those materials posted here.. good luck..


Well, i tried to send the scheme of the circuit but i think i have no permission to attach it yet.
I am not makin square rooting with opamp , this is an analog integrated current mode circuit and there are 19 MOSFETs in it. It has 2 input currents and output curent is (I1*I2)^0.5 .

Do not forget that those king of circuits are based on the square law of a MOS, therefor you should use big "L" to have a square law, also the characteristic varies with process and temperature.


And i forgot to give this the ref. of application of this circuit, if you have ieee acess,it is shown here :”A Current Mode Circuit For Euclidian Distance Calculation” Chuen-Yau Chen, Chun-Yueh Huang, Ju-Ying Tsao, Bin-Da Liu.
They used the square rooting circuit in here (euclidian distance calculation) but
it doesnt include the working principle of square rooter., i tried to solve equations but i it is a bit hard for me now( i am new in analog integrated circuits).
Thanks for your helps...

Hi Volkan,
You can refer to following book. This one contains square rooter circuit
with theory of working... and its applications.
One application of sqare rooter circuit is in a circuit wich calculaters RMS values
for sinusiodal current and voltage waves.

Design With Operational Amplifiers and Analog Integrated Circuits.
Author: Sergio Franco

Can you upload that book here ?
Best wishes...

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