I need everything about AVR microcontroller ...

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Jul 27, 2005
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everything about avr microcontroller

Hi all,
I am looking Downloader, schematic, Programmer, Simulator for AVR microcontroller fram ATMEL. Where I can Find it ?( Especially for Free)..


avr simulator ouravr

But there is no schematic for doawnloader and the software for programming....

everything about avr

you may search the IAR, Codevision, and Atmel AVT compile etc from the internet

yes , there is an section called tools and you can find all you need there .. if you are looking for programmer search google for avreal32 or avrdude ..

a book about AVR is available in the download section. Up to my knowledge, ATMEL provides AVR studio for free on its website.

Good Luck

here is an AVR ISP programmer diagram.It is really very simple just a DB25 connector and 4 resistors.I have used it with Ponyprog and it works really fine(at least programming my ATmega32)

so give a try...



the programmer above does it need an external source for programming??

hi ,

im an avr developer and instructor i have a frind of mine that has a programer that works with the serial port (spi) it programs more than 45 devices (At90s , Attiny , Atmega , At89s ) including Atmega8535 (the hardest in the family)

he also made a great tutorial for begenners and experts to make you master avr with assembly programing (for all the internal periphirals, lcd stepper motor and other externals )

but these things are for sale so if you want them contact me and i will tell you more details.


the programmer above is a cable from db25 paralll port to the ISP pins of an
AVR device.
however the AVR should be powered from an external power supply of +5V(i advice to use a regulation with 7805).

so connect the isp cable ,power the avr,launch ponyprog(configure for your device) and burn the hex file.

that's all.


Visit **broken link removed**

This web site have a lot of AVR tools.
It's forum have a lot of users,and really hot......

download some ebook from edaboard.
download bascom and codevision from their sites.

AVR Studio (free IDE from Atmel) simulates all AVR devices. It can load in .COFF files generated from AVRGCC for watching, stepping through code etc. The WinAVR (free) package is a really nice one.
You should be able to find out all you need about AVR's at www.avrfreaks.net, great bunch of people.
Good luck!

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