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I know nothing about Switch mode supplies...thus I need help

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Junior Member level 1
Junior Member level 1
Apr 16, 2001
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Hi oh helpfull ones.........

Can someone tell me if it is possible to modify an existing Switch mode supplys output. (eg current output = 12v, required output = 15v)

How is this done?....Yep I'm a switchmode dumbo, so any help would be very much appreciated.....that is after you have got through laughing at my obvious lacking in knowledge. Lets just say I'm old....thus lazy :lol:



hi,we need to know the some topology you can do so,but can not in some other topology.just tell us what you need accurately ,so we can help you. initial question was a bit vague. A bit hard to be more definative in my required info, thus the question is for "generic" type info on the subject. I have collected quite a few different Switchmode supplies over the years, most are just sitting doing nothing so I thought it would be good to put them to use in a few of my projects.

As an example, I am currently building a "true" analogue music synth but my design is based around the old Curtis chipsets and requires +5, +15 and -15 Vdc. I have a couple of PC switchmodes I could use if I can alter the +12, -12 outputs to suit my need. The current requirement of the total synth is around 1 - 1.5 amps, thus a PC supply may be well suited. My only requirement other than that is that the supply voltage MUST be very stable and clean.

I hope this adds a little to my original request.


Jaba initial question was a bit vague. A bit hard to be more definative in my required info, thus the question is for "generic" type info on the subject. I have collected quite a few different Switchmode supplies over the years, most are just sitting doing nothing so I thought it would be good to put them to use in a few of my projects.

As an example, I am currently building a "true" analogue music synth but my design is based around the old Curtis chipsets and requires +5, +15 and -15 Vdc. I have a couple of PC switchmodes I could use if I can alter the +12, -12 outputs to suit my need. The current requirement of the total synth is around 1 - 1.5 amps, thus a PC supply may be well suited. My only requirement other than that is that the supply voltage MUST be very stable and clean.

I hope this adds a little to my original request.



There can be find various switch-mode controllers in switch-mode power supplies, so it would be better to get more information about those You have, but I think in a conventinal PC powersupply the different outputs are obtained from the same transformer, so you can't change voltage levels individually.

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