Junior Member level 2

About boost converer, ask two quesiton,thanks
1. How much boost's max duty can reach generally? Can it exceed 90%? such as Vin=3V to Vout=30V.What it pay attention to?
2. Now I design a boost, typ duty is 32%(Vin=3.8,Vo=5.6), uttermost is 60%. Frequency is about 1.5M, or below(800K).
My quesion is: how much do I desgin boost's max_clk limit? 80%? 90%?or 95%? what are the advantage and disadvantage each?
thanks very much
1. How much boost's max duty can reach generally? Can it exceed 90%? such as Vin=3V to Vout=30V.What it pay attention to?
2. Now I design a boost, typ duty is 32%(Vin=3.8,Vo=5.6), uttermost is 60%. Frequency is about 1.5M, or below(800K).
My quesion is: how much do I desgin boost's max_clk limit? 80%? 90%?or 95%? what are the advantage and disadvantage each?
thanks very much