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HP85033D calibration kit

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Sep 6, 2005
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used hp85033d

Hi fellows,

I need a little help regarding the above calkit. I received it together with an original HP diskette, which is in a special format, and I can't read it on a normal PC.
I want to use the calkit with my Advantest R3767 VNA, as a user defined calkit.
In the user manual of the HP85033D, there is a table with the calibration coefficients (C0,1,2,3 for the open and offset Zo,delay and loss for the calibration standards)
What is not clear for me, if I have to use these coefficients (which are valid for all HP85033D cal kits ?) or I should read the specific cal coefficients from the diskette, which is valid for my calibration kit.

Your input is greatly appreciated.



The ones on paper should be fine. I remember checking a kit I and the numbers on disk were the same. Be sure to check your kit under a microscope:

**broken link removed**


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hp85033d calibration kit

The calibration kits suitcase contains the standards, and the standards description.
The standars descripion may be a paper and/or a diskette (or a tape for old 8510).
The paper can by used everytime almost on all VNAs while the diskette only on the appropriate VNA. The data conteined on the diskette is the same conteined on the paper.

Every firm that produce VNA, uses similar but slightly different models.

C0, C1, C2, C3 are used to modelize fringing capacitance of the Opens standards
while L0, L1, L2,L3 , if exist, will modelize the Short. Often L0=L1=L2=L3=0

The parameters "Offset Zo" and "Offset Delay" both modelize a small "inductive effect (if >50Ω) or capacitive effect (if <50Ω).

But my suggestion is to read accurately your VNA user manual.
Since Advantest don't produces any CalKit, I'expecting myself to find, on user manual, some instructions about Cal Kits of the world leader CalKit factory (Agilent).

Re: used hp85033d

As luck would have it, I've been through this exercise with the 85033B and a Rohde and Schwarz analyzer. The disk is in some strange format (not MSDOS); you may find you can read it in the network analyzer but not on a computer (LIF format; you can get a converter from the agilent website).
The 85033B was made by Maury Microwave and if you look up the individual calibration standards on Maury's site you can get a data sheet for each standard that has all the coefficients on the disk. I don't think the disk contains measured data for each standard, but contains generic data. On the R&S analyzer we have you have a page to input a standard, and you can input the coefficients for the standards you have in this page. I'm pretty certain you can do this on any analyzer.
After doing this, the calibration was good up to about 8GHz; these are 18GHz cal kits so worth hanging on to.

Ed Long

Hi fellows,

I need a little help regarding the above calkit. I received it together with an original HP diskette, which is in a special format, and I can't read it on a normal PC.
I want to use the calkit with my Advantest R3767 VNA, as a user defined calkit.
In the user manual of the HP85033D, there is a table with the calibration coefficients (C0,1,2,3 for the open and offset Zo,delay and loss for the calibration standards)
What is not clear for me, if I have to use these coefficients (which are valid for all HP85033D cal kits ?) or I should read the specific cal coefficients from the diskette, which is valid for my calibration kit.

Your input is greatly appreciated.


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