How to write C coding for 8051 microcontroller that can be compiled by SDCC

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Apr 29, 2005
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8051 C coding SDCC

I'm thinking of doing a project on "electronics dice". I got

the idea from this site **broken link removed** ,

which uses NUTCHIP (i never heard of this chip,so i don't know if I

could get that chip and programmer on the market). So I like to do the

same project using 8051 microcontroller (I have the programmer kit of

8051). I like to write program for it in C, and compile it by sdcc.

But I don't know how to write C coding for 8051 microcontroller.

So please help me writing C code by providing me with the sample

coding for 8051 microncontroller which can be compiled by sdcc

compiler and also the instructions or command used in 8051 C Coding.

Thanks in advance.

8051 sdcc


I advise you to use Keil Software because it is free and easy to use.

There are plenty of C programming tutorials in EDA E-books Upload/Download section.

If you need further help, please PM me asap and I am happy to assist you asap

Maverick Max

sdcc usb bootloader c8051

SDCC suck's sorry for this but i think sdcc is no good compiler

interface sdcc 8051 far as SDCC is concerned, it can be learned easily .
I programmed a TUSB3410 using sdcc n it din give much trouble ..
i'll dig out the code frm my disk if u need it ...

programming 8051 using sdcc

u can post the coding for will be helpful for learning sdcc...
and one thing..after making hex file from do i burn it into 8051..plz write the link where i can download the link?

8051 clock sdcc

well..the code was more or less a c code ..but using some standard symbols n notation ..i'll post it as soon as i find it
..i converted the hex file to a binary(using a unix utility called hex2bin) and then binary was loaded in to the chip using a bootloader program thru USB port ..ryt now caught in some work..try googling u'd find hex2bin easily

sdcc step motor

Does anyone know of the performance differnce between using MSP430 and the relic 8051

sdcc keil port

hi all,
SDCC is really good. for past 5 months i am using sdcc professionally. i used sdcc with atmel at89c52. it works nicely. everybody knows that keil c is better than sdcc (compact size and industry standard) but i comes at a cost where in india one us doller is plus minus equal 50 indian rupee. so here the actual price of keil is =(ACTUAL PRICE) * 50

i used sdcc for 1) stepper motor interfacing (Project: Color mixing machine
2) wireless Motor and Volume Control unit (dont know but surely it was some defence project(because of its military grade specification) means for phellipines )
3) Fire alarm System
4) interfacing with AD7730 (currently working)

so all in one sdcc is a good choice

writing programs for 8051 using sdcc

syrax said:
SDCC ****'s sorry for this but i think sdcc is no good compiler

I was used the SDCC and my opinion is good butt... the hex code generate is bigger than keil... but i will say its good...

writing c code compiler sdcc


1. SDCC is very good compiler for money you pay for it

2. Keil and IAR are better but they cost a lot.

3.Atmel has the new range of 8051 ,very fast one clock instruction
execution ,also new programming interface so you dont
need complicated programmer
4.Please visit Atmel site for info

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