Member level 5

I work on a project with PIC18F, and there are some very important variables in my program. The values of these variables is not recommended to read it from keyboard, it was sugested to read it from an extern txt file from a local/network drive.
First of all, I tried to declare a file( ex: FILE *fp ), but I got an error sintax.
So, I would like to know if it is possible to handle txt files, and if it is how?
Thank you in advance.
I work on a project with PIC18F, and there are some very important variables in my program. The values of these variables is not recommended to read it from keyboard, it was sugested to read it from an extern txt file from a local/network drive.
First of all, I tried to declare a file( ex: FILE *fp ), but I got an error sintax.
So, I would like to know if it is possible to handle txt files, and if it is how?
Thank you in advance.