Advanced Member level 4

ads op amplifier
I have used a op amplifier-LMH6703MF(National Semiconductor) for RF application, National Semiconductor provides a spice model file for LMH6703MF named LMH6703T.MOD, I import the LMH6703T.MOD into ADS and use a S-param simulator to simulate the circuit but the result is wrong.Who experts here can help to simulate the circuit with correct result?Thanks very much!
for more information about LMH6703MF please refer to:**broken link removed**
I have used a op amplifier-LMH6703MF(National Semiconductor) for RF application, National Semiconductor provides a spice model file for LMH6703MF named LMH6703T.MOD, I import the LMH6703T.MOD into ADS and use a S-param simulator to simulate the circuit but the result is wrong.Who experts here can help to simulate the circuit with correct result?Thanks very much!
for more information about LMH6703MF please refer to:**broken link removed**