i wanna write a code for FIR filter, and i know the algorithm somehow... but i'm not sure of how to use the multipliers in this devise. should i use COREGENERATOR and make my costumized adder and then instantiate it 50 times for every MUL function i need? is there any other easier way?
also for shift register... is it true to write just this simple code:
if clk='1' and clk'event then
x[2]<= x[1];
how about the adder ?
is it true to write:
a <= b + C; ?!!!
or again use the COREGEN and instantiations?!!!
You can define the adders and multipliers very simply, but you need to use the unsigned and arith libraries. If this is not urgent I will pass you some VHDL code defining a multiplier. I do use instantiation. I really don't know why you should need 50 multipliers, what order is your filter?