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how to switch to super user 'root'? in ubuntu

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Apr 5, 2007
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switch to superuser

i am a new user of ubuntu. i want to know that how can i switch to superuser root?
i tell the details. i have installed ubuntu on my laptop with username qma and password ****. i dont know that root is by default superuser. now i have come to know that root is super user. so i want to log in as superuser root but as i have not created it (or it is created by default) i do not know about the password of root. is there any way so that i know the password of root or at least i can log in as super user root as i have to learn some commands which require the seperuesr root like fsck command.

ubuntu switch to root

In Ubuntu, you just need to add sudo before any command you want to be executed by root user. When it prompts for password enter current user's password.


command for normal user : make install
command for super user : sudo make install

ubuntu superuser

thanx dipal

now i want to know about the command fsck. the details about fsck and its parameter.
i want to check it by running this command. will u like to suggest me use this command as have tried to get help about this command but i think ubuntu help was a level higher than my level. so plz reply me in some easy words with some easy example.

linux switch to superuser

sudo su
ir then asks for password
then u will be login as root

ubuntu change to superuser

in the terminal write


insert your pasword
root passwd

and you define your root pasword

how to superuser

QMA said:
thanx dipal

now i want to know about the command fsck. the details about fsck and its parameter.
i want to check it by running this command. will u like to suggest me use this command as have tried to get help about this command but i think ubuntu help was a level higher than my level. so plz reply me in some easy words with some easy example.

First and most important thing is as a normal user we are not really required to use this command. This is used to check the correctness of file system. If you can tell me what exactly you are planning to achieve i will be able to help you in better way. As this is very complex topic that will need understanding of ext3 file system and journaling as well.

change to superuser ubuntu

i have got some commands from my office to practice. this is the first one. some of the other commands are easy to understand but some are confusing like this one. there is another command chmod. i m not understanding why is it used and where. if u suggest me any pre requisite documents then plz do add their urls or attach them.

switch to super user

chmod is used to change the file permissions. This is a powerful tool and should not be under estimated.

Tip. if you want to know how a command works ito its parameters and function typing man command on the command line will give you access to the manual pages of the specific command

for instance

user@host~$man chmod

will give you something similar to (using Ubuntu Hardy 8.04)

chmod - change file mode bits

chmod [OPTION]... MODE[,MODE]... FILE...
chmod [OPTION]... --reference=RFILE FILE...

This manual page documents the G.....


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