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how to store 8085 program in a pc

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Dec 1, 2005
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grey to binary 8085

i am doing a project on datalogger . where the data sensed by the adc (frm temp sensor) is sent to mp for analyzing and temoraray storing . The data temporarily stoted the mp is then neede to be stored in pc for logging and analyzing .

But the problem is how can i convert the 8085 program in c codeor any pther code so that i can analyze it ? plz help me to find the solution .
Thank you.

8085 programin


I am not sure what you wrote is what I undestood, I will try to summarize.

1. You acquire some data and digitize it through some ADCs.
2. This data is stored in a microcomputer based on the microprocessor 8085.
3. For analisys, this stored data is transferred to a computer.
4. You want to analyze "the data" in the computer.

Well in this case you dont need to analyze "the program" but "the data" so what you need to know is how the data was stored first in the 8085 system, and assuming you have the same structure in your PC after the transfer operation, you just need to analyze it. Some points you may care are, how many bits the ADC ouput per sample and which coding is it using for the outputed value (binary, Grey,..., ). If you are lucky the ADC is probably yielding 8 bits per sample, which may mean 1 byte per sample in the stored memory.

good luck


Thanks fr ur reply . Sorry for not givin detailed description
So i am describing the process so that i can get more hlp frm u .

my components used are
1. a temperature sensor
2. an adc
3.a 8085 trainer kit
4. a pc

So, at first the sampled data frm adc comes to the 8255a of the trainer kit . now the data is stored in the internal ram of the trainer kit. Now iwant the is to be transferred to the pc . Our aim is to log the data in our known form like binary or hex . but the data transferred to the pc will be in machine language .

So, how can i convert the machine code to a familier one so that ican handle that with known softwares .???

Added after 4 minutes:

i want to add more point . the software i am using to write code in 8085 trainer kit is across assembler. where i write the data onto the pc and the mnemonics get transferred to th mp . So the structures are different

I am fetching data from 8085 and storing it into 8086 machine .Waiting for ur reply

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