how to speedup quartus place & route function?

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Full Member level 3
Aug 27, 2003
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it' really god damn it too slow, i need to speedup the place & route
anybody can tell me?

help me please.

Well this might not help , but when I was doing place and route for Altera 600k parts and was getting to about 75% utilization the P&R slowed down alot. Exponential as utilization increased. Took me about 2.5hrs. I then upped my memory from 1gig to 4 gig and the performance increased about 25%. This is because the P&R tool did not swap to the hard drive. The biggest thing was I went to the 1500 ( 1.5 million part ) . Expensive but saved time!!!!. The utilization went to 15% and the time for route was a little over 30 min. So I would tell you for prtotyping use the biggest part.


You do not have any chance if you want to achieve a good performance. I have tried many times, on a very powerful system with 4 Giga RAM. Especially for big Stratix devices is quite normal to spend around 8 hours for a design.

The following techniques may help
- Floorplanning
- Incremental Design
- Preserving Design Hierarchy
- Relaxing your timing constraints

How about smart compile??
But you need to compile it first,and then it will improve the speed of comilation.

I found fast fit sometimes can reduce P&R time very much .
shared with you

Hi there

In settings there is one option for incremental place and route.Try using that after u make minor modifications.

Command line compilation using quartus_fit is another good option.

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