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How to Simulate Switching Power Supply

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Jul 23, 2012
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Hi everybody
I want to start working with SMPS (Switching Mode Power Supply) But I don't know how I should start.

would you please show me the way?

I prefer to start by a simple circuit and simulate it at first then I test it in practice.What is your idea?

What is the right software for simulating switching circuits?

- - - Updated - - -

Recently I found a circuit for Cell Phone Battery Charger with the output of 5V/1A. The circuit attached.
I start simulate it with Orcad(Pspice) but there was some errors which I couldn't solve them.
my problem are:
1.How I should simulate transformer?
2.I can't find the optocupler which has simulation ability in Orcad libraries.What should I do?
3.Is it important to mention the power of resistors and voltage of electrolytic capacitors in simulation? If yes, How?


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Re: How to Simulate Swiching Power Supply

An animated interactive simulator is helpful to further the learning process. See the thread below where I put posts about the buck, boost, and buck-boost converters.

They include links which allow you to run the same schematics in my posts. They make use of Falstad's simulator (Java applet).


I also have a Youtube video which consists of animated simulations, with narrations. These are from my homebrew simulator.

"Buck Boost Buckboost converters (Animated)"
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Re: How to Simulate Swiching Power Supply

simulator for SMPS = LTspice.....

the best free smps simulator in the world....and that's not marketing, as its free...they don't want your money

its from
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Re: How to Simulate Swiching Power Supply

An animated interactive simulator is helpful to further the learning process.

Hi BradtheRad
what do you mean by animated interactive simulator?
I searched about it but I couldn't understand it.

Re: How to Simulate Swiching Power Supply

download ltspice and look at the made up simulations, that they call test jigs, of switchmode power supplies. All you have to do is open the file and hit the running man icon

Re: How to Simulate Swiching Power Supply

what do you mean by animated interactive simulator?

The inductor is the heart of the action. And the action is complicated. If a picture is worth a thousand words, then a video is worth a million.

My Youtube video animates the action, making it easier to understand. It depicts current flow through the circuit. It portrays the inductor's flux field building and collapsing. It portrays counter-emf as a lug (or something with inertia), rattling back and forth.

It isn't interactive, of course. (Unless you're at my PowerMac, playing with my one-of-a-kind homebrew simulation program.)

Falstad's circuit simulator is interactive.

The circuit library does not have a smps, however. Interactive smps circuits can be found by reading my posts in the thread:

Those simulations are bare-bones simple, to clarify the concept of operation.

If you are looking for a smps project which you can adapt for your purposes, you can look at LTspice (as recommended in post #5).

I want to start working with SMPS
Then you must start designing and laying out and making it now. Do not wait until you think you have filled your head with enough knowledge. None of us will ever know it all. We only learn by doing it in SMPS, and electronics as a whole. Do it, wear your safety glasses (!!!!), put fuses on everything, and just do it. Don't touch it whilst its switched on, till you know what you are doing

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