How to run distributed simulation with spectre?

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Member level 3
Oct 9, 2004
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mps: bad handle

According to the distproc.pdf, I do such setting:
1. modify /etc/hosts.equiv so that I may rlogin to other machines without password;
2.set up the nfs server and I can read/write any data on every machine;
3.set one NTP server and make others as client to sync the time;
4.write file 'queue_config'as this:
fast 3
host1 2
host2 3
host3 5
5.edit ~/.cshrc and setenv LBS_CLUSTER_MASTER 'my_host_name' and setenv CDS_QUEUE_CONF_FILE ~/queue_config 'su' and get root to run cdsqmgr ~harry/queue_config;
7.Open one schematic and run distributed simulation.
At the window of 'Choosing Simulator/Directory/Host', I run 'Check setup' and get such info:
Checking Distributed Processing (DP) setup..........
Current User is: harry
Submission host name is: host

Checking for DP environment variables.....

Environment variable LBS_CLUSTER_MASTER is set to host
Checking for LBS mode setup
Checking if cdsqmgr is running properly on "host" .........Ok
Checking if cdsNameServer is running properly on "host" .........Ok
Checking for queue config file...
Using variable CDS_QUEUE_CONF_FILE as this is set to /export/home/harry/queue_config
The queue config file identified is /export/home/harry/queue_config
This may not be correct due to the OS command's (ps) limitations.
You can set the env variable CDS_QUEUE_CONF_FILE to specify the queue config
file used by the cdsqmgr daemon running on host
Checking if the hosts are up......
host1 ....... Not up
host2 ....... Not up
host8 ....... Not up
WARNING (207): Jobs may not be submitted to the following host(s), because
these host(s) are not responding.
Consult your System Administrator to resolve the issue.

Checking for password related requirements(from Submission to Cluster Hosts)

Checking for password requirements in reverse direction (from Clusters to Submission Hosts)

Checking for hierarchy compatibility with login shell: none
1. Check for the hier locations
2. Check for the presence of spectre binary.
<<< Local spectre version : 5.0.0 >>>
3. Check for the presence of cdsserv binary.
<<< Local cdsserv version : 06.00 >>>

Checking for space in /tmp area.......

Checking for Network Mode......

Checking if artmonitor works...Ok

Setup check completes with 0 errors and 1 warnings.

I don't know if I miss something, actually when I run adptest, I get such info:

$ adptest

BEGIN Artist Distributed Processing Setup Test

Testing for existence of LBS_CLUSTER_MASTER variable...

Testing opening of Artist Job Server...
Launching Artist job server...
Artist job server has initialized!

Please be patient - the remaining portion of the test takes some time.

Testing job submission to host `host1' on queue `fast'...
*Error* MPS: bad Handle - mpsBAD:0x0x8202018
*Error* load: error while loading file - "/export/cdsdir/tools/dfII/etc/tools/adp/adptest_enc.ils"

I can visit file "/export/cdsdir/tools/dfII/etc/tools/adp/adptest_enc.ils" also.

I have no more idea to this. Who may help me or give me some advice? Thanks for your help!

Have a good day!

Best Regards,


spectre distributed simulation howto cdsqmgr

a) do you really have 5 cpus in host 3?
b) is it host 8 or host 3?
c) I recommend to kill ANY CDS application - from my experience it does not work when any cds app runs - recommend kill -9 -1

d) I do not run it as a root. Despite what the documentations says and also to big surprise of Cadence help line - you can run it as user. I just kill everything (see c) and then do command line login - not xwindows and start the cdsqmgr.

e) then log to xwins and start cadence.

Works for me.


Thanks for your reply!

Host3 has only one CPU, according to distproc.pdf, the number '5' means I can run 5 jobs at host3, doesn't it?

You say I need to kill any CDS application, what it means? Should I kill any daemon which has a cds prefix?

I try to run cdsqmgr as my account, but I met the same question as above.

I don't know why I get '*Error* MPS' and can't load the adptest_enc.ils file. Maybe there's some other error of my setting. Would you please share your setting? Thanks for your help!

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