How to register an I/O

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Junior Member level 3
Apr 27, 2011
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I've just finished to create a block inside my project, but before connecting it to the i/o pins I would like to use some registers between this block and the pins above mentioned. How it is possible to do it? Input and Output can be handled in the same way?

I have already created a signal for each i/o of the block. Which is next step?

Thank you very much!

create an internal signal and register it, like you would in any HDL:

(VHDL example)

io_reg_proc : process(clk)
  if rising_edge(clk) then
    input_reg <= input;
  end if;
end process;

my_ent : entity work.my_entity 
port map (
  data <= input_reg,

Of course, you could just have registers inside my_entity. Any decent synthesisor should place the register next to the IO in the IO buff, otherwise you can usually tell it to do so via assignments.
perfect, I understood. in this way I create a registered signal, but there is some differences between input and output? I mean If I would like to register an input, I have to create the registerd signal like this:

reg_sig <= input_pin

and in the portmap related to my block

inp_block <= reg_sig;

Instead, for an output the flow is:

reg_sig <= outp_block

and what about the portmap?
where I'm wrong?

why nopt have a go, and come back if you have problems.

I've just done it:

io_reg_proc : process(clk)
  if rising_edge(clk) then
    input_reg <= input;
    output <= output_reg;
  end if;
end process;

It's the correct thing? Because after that, I've got some problems, but maybe they can depends on something else.

That is fine - it defines the registers - what are the problems?

to connect the port maps, just connect them to the _reg signals.

I mean, it works, I can synthesize and simulate my project. However I saw something strange in the behavior of the other components instantiated. Maybe should I check better, but right now it is important to know that this part about the I/O synchronization is Ok.

Why not try simulating it all in modelsim. Without all of the code posted here I have no idea whats going on elsewhere. This code is very simple, and is unlikely to be causing any problems

Yes...but maybe this synchronization can make changes in the overall behavior, I guess. I'll check deeper with calm.
Thanks for your help.

adding registers should not affect the overall behaviour, unless you a relying on some sort of handshaking from an external source. I suggest you simulate your design.

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