How to obtain components in small Qty ?

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Newbie level 4
Mar 24, 2004
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is there anyone who knows which suppliers to support small quantity order for components ? I need some components for my RF Mixer design. Thank you.

Hi FoxyRick,

Thanks for the info. I am currently in West Yorkshire, UK. The classic problem I encountered is that they mostly rejected small quantity order . Components in need are: diodes and some LC discrete components.

Hey, I'm near Cheshire! Small world

I tend to wait until I have the minimum order price for Farnell (I think £10+VAT currently) or order extras for my parts stock, but they offer free delivery. RS charge for delivery but have no minimum order. Both are quite happy dealing with the public (that's what I am!) paying by Credit Card. Farnell is usually cheaper. I've never had an order refused from either of them. Smallest was to RS for £3.50 - delivery cost more(!) - it was an 'emergency'.

There is also Maplins (, although they are a bit of a toy store these days, charge for delivery if the order is under £20 and are more expensive that Farnell or RS.
RS do have trade counters (public welcome last time I went) with no minimum purchase. They have counters in Manchester and Leeds and you can call or order online before going to collect. No delivery charge then

Cheers from Cheshire,

Richardson electronics. As RS Components but it's specializzed in RF & Microvave.

baltoudi: for diode, you can request sample from agilent technologies for 10 pcs (I am not sure what kind of diode that your are looking for). I have requested many times from Agilent and I received them within 2 weeks.

you'll find that most companies will send you samples
you may only get a few but that should get you started
dont contact distributors but contact manufacturers

good luck

yeah i also feel getting samples from vendors would be a better idea; to start with you must establish contact (through mail preferred) with vendors like Richardson, Avnet , as they represent a host of companies in RF and Microwave; i myself have got samples of many active n passive components for a prototype design.

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