How to modify the default status of find filter in allegro?

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Newbie level 2
Nov 25, 2014
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Hi All

In allegro, the find windown have lots of filters,such as Groups/Comps/Symbols/Nets/vias/Pins and so on,and when we executived one command, some default filters for options, for example, when we run the measure command(Display--->Measure), you will find that the part of find filter work(Pins/Vias/Shapes/Cline segs/Other Segs/Figures/DRC errors/Text), and other options are gray(Groups/Comps/Symbols/Functions/Nets/Voids/Clines/Lines/Ratesnests/Rat Ts), can not be checked, so my question is how to modify the default status of find filter.
such as how can we enable the voids or disable the DRC errors?


Reyn Zhuang

Hi Leisure,

I have been using allegro for years and have stick with the default find filters, they are pretty much all you need. On your "measure" example, you can untick the DRC errors on the find filter but as I know you can't enable the Voids/Cavities. If you need to measure voids, try untick all and leave only Shapes, then you can use the right-mouse-button (RMB) select "snap pick to" and you'll have a lot of options there to chose your point of measurements.

Hi Ivan

Thanks for your feedback.
I know your mean and idea, and what I want to say is change the check box of "DRC errors" to gray, in other word, change it as "voids" status.
Of course, about your suggestion of right-click for snap pick to is very good, however, it takes more time to move the cursor and click the right menu, and what i want is save the time.
Here I find another way to resolve it,setup some short key as below.

############alias SF5 'show measure;setwindow form.find;FORM find drc_errors NO;setwindow pcb #DRC errors never be checked.############

Above sentence, we can complete all options in one short-key,measure, setwindow, and set off the DRC errors, and you can try it.

Hi Leisure,

Yes, I am also using the alias lines on my pcb env for my most frequently used commands. My initial response on your query was just contained on the PCB editor window.

Great that you found a way and explored the use of alias...:thumbsup:

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