How to make wireless

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please elaborate your question. Focus on what help you need.

We won´t design the whole circuit for you, but we will help you if you tell us what information you need.
.. nor can a forum replace school or some internet search.

Please do a search on your own, just to find out what are possible solutions, how others didi it, how you want to do it, and where you need help. in your next post please give links to internet sites you refer to.


If you wish, Yes; also some wires, connectors, and other minor stuffs; congrats, you are getting close. Seriously: You definitely need to make a search on the Web for this...there are thousand examples doing what you want. Also, from your somewhat unconected questions, seems like you also need to learn a bit more on electronics. I was preventing myself to reply here, but I fear this thread will go endless, so:

Make a search on the web for video and/or tutorials based on the ESP8266 and you will realize that there are applications ready to use exactly as you want.

Wireless over a network or just point to point ?

Distance you need ?

Full or half duplex ?

Speed of link ?

You trying to read the 4017 or preset / clock it over the link ?

Can you program in a MCU language like C or Python or Basic or..... ?

Regards, Dana.

You didn't heed Klaus's request for making some effort on your part by showing links to show previous research having seen the generic level of the issue, or to support your unusual question - in this case the 4017 one. In addition, your questions do not meet the minimum knowledge in electronics requirement, remind that Edaboard, as stated on the header, is a 'Forum for Electronics'; sorry, but this thread needs to be closed until you are able to come up with specific "answerable" questions.

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