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how to make high voltage dc to ....

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Junior Member level 3
Junior Member level 3
Mar 30, 2011
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How to make high voltage dc to low voltage dc ?

e.g 6v 4Ah to 6v 500ma.

Can you define the question.......................????????

6Volts is voltage , electric potential
4Ah is quantity of electric charge
500ma..... mA is electric current , current intensity

How to make high voltage dc to low voltage dc ?
6v 4Ah to 6v 500ma.


If you mean that you have a battery source of 6v 4Ah then it is perfectly fine to connect it in a device/circuit that works with 6v and draws 500mA.
In that case the battery will last for 4Ah/0.5A=8 hours
But I don't see the "high voltage" that you need to convert to a "low voltage" so you should probably explain what you are trying to do.


Sir thanks for reply when we connect 6v, 7ah battery to 6v 500ma circuit suddenly all 7ampere current from battery will enter into circuit or the circuit will consume how much it needed?

if i apply 12v,7ah to 6v 500ma(having 6v regulator) circuit then what will happen?

---------- Post added at 22:23 ---------- Previous post was at 22:20 ----------

s sir you are right the circuit works on 6v and consume 500ma current during its operation. If i connect 6v 4ah battery directly to it what will happen the circuit will burn or works fine or component get hot?

When a circuit is supplied/powered by a certain voltage, it takes the current it needs only.
For example if you connect a resistor 1K (as a circuit) to a big 12V battery, the battery current will be 12/1K = 1.2mA only
The difference between a big and small 6V battery is that the former will last more in supplying the circuit current before it losts its charges ( charge = circuit current X time ).

4Ah means that , in theory, if the circuit current is 500mA, the time for the battery to become discharged is 4/0.5 = 8 hours.
As long the voltage is right for the circuit, there is no fear for the circuit to be burned.
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When a circuit is supplied/powered by a certain voltage, it takes the current it needs only.
For example if you connect a resistor 1K (as a circuit) to a big 12V battery, the battery current will be 12/1K = 1.2mA only
The difference between a big and small 6V battery is that the former will last more in supplying the circuit current before it losts its charges ( charge = circuit current X time ).

4Ah means that , in theory, if the circuit current is 500mA, the time for the battery to become discharged is 4/0.5 = 8 hours.
As long the voltage is right for the circuit, there is no fear for the circuit to be burned.

Thank you very much sir

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