How to make full bridge work???

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Newbie level 3
Sep 30, 2007
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Hi everyone.

I have one big problem concerning full bridge driving DC motor. The voltage used in my application is 80V and motor has a power of 2kW but it is used just about 50% of that power. Every bridge I tried to construct using manuals and how tos failed. Once I burned 3 FETs, other time it did not move... Anyway, is there any place where I can see how similar full bridges are done or someone who did something similar? I use PIC MCU with one channel PWM. The direction of rotation is determined by two additional pins that have complement values in working mode. I use FET drivers so any line from MCU is not directly connected to the bridge.

Thanks in advance!

It sounds like the problem may be that you do not have enough dead-time.
There should be a small delay between where you turn off one set of MOSFETs to where you turn on the others.
I don't know what drivers you have, but start with a large dead-time, something in the order of 1-2us.

If you post your schematic, maybe we will spot the problem.

As per as I know the problem is not with the brifge connection. As I don't know how u connected the mosfet in bridge but if as u said they burnt then it means they are driving much current than the rating. So u calculate your circuit required current. connect two are more mos in parallel to withstand that current and carefully ceck the grounding. i hope it help u....

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