How to make an USB dongle for PC?

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Advanced Member level 4
May 28, 2004
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I made a software and i need to make a protection on it , so i need to a hardware dongle to the PC with USB , i have a good experience in ucontroller programmin so please any one guide me

Re: How to make a dongle

you have a many different ways to solve the problem, but first you must know what exactly you need. Do you need to lock software to the PC or not?
The simple way is to send encrypted string to the dongle, dongle should decrypt the sting, make some processing and return to you against encrypted string. If the result is right the software should be started. In google you can find many encryption algorithms.

Re: How to make a dongle

**broken link removed**

How to make a dongle

i think the best way for protecting a software is using the software locks.for example you can use some software which encrypt you exe code with a key which no body can't dicompile it and so if you send the key to user then the user will be able to use your software.
you know if you use a dongle the hackers can decompile your code and then understad what are you doing and how you check the dongle and then they can pach your code easily.

Re: How to make a dongle

dongle is simple way just use a pic microcontroller that has usb interface and use LVP feature in it more i will tell you later

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