How to make a proper Header file in C that contains only my functions????

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I had read that function declaration are by default of extern type
void lcd_init();
is same as
extern void lcd_init();

am i right...

Both extern and static are two of the five Storage-Class Specifiers, along with auto, register and typedef.

They specify the scope and linkage of the variable or function to which they are applied.

In the case of functions/routines, the function/routine defaults to extern unless specified as static or inline (C99).

Therefore, while syntactically correct, the use of extern in regards to functions/routines is somewhat redundant.

However, the practice is usually continued to provide a level of clarity when declaring functions defined in other files/modules, as with function prototypes.

So, yes you are correct.

you and btbass has told me to create a library file
libr> R lcd.lib lcd.p1

i am not using this right now and my code still works fine so where is the use of this lcd.lib file..
I had not added this file to my project...

I believe I covered this topic in my previous post concerning MikroC's libraries. If not, let me know.

By carefully planning and building a library with separate modules/files, the #define table can be done away with, to include a function/routine contained in a library only requires the inclusion of the function/routine call:


the above statement would only load the lcd_init module of the LCD library, not the entire libraries collection of routines, thus conserving code space.

I would like to also discuss the use of the Storage-Class Specifier static in regards to functions/routines.

The application of static to a function/routine limits the scope of the function/routine to the module/file where it is defined.

The technique essentially limits access to the function/routine to the module/file where it is defined, therefore you would be able to utilize neither the lcd_cmd() nor lcd_data() within main() if using the source files provided by navnith.

A static function/routine provides a simple form of encapsulation as seen in C++ with the use of the keyword private.

The use of static in regards to functions/routines is often used to prevent naming conflicts with functions/routines within other modules/files and to prevent the use of said functions/routines outside of the module/file they are defined.


Thanks BigDogGuru..
Nice Explanation..

Thanks for your help

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