How to interface VB with PIC microcontroller 16f877a?

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Jan 28, 2009
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how to interface vb(visual basic ) with pic microcontroller 16f877a, thank u for ur help,,,.

pic interface visual basic


You cannot do that.
No way, because no one write the VB tools for pic microcontroller yet.

Best Regards,
Siong Boon


pic877a serial programmer

Never say impossible, Singaporean.
It can be done. At least I have done it.

tutorial to get vb to talk to micro controller

Hi beeshyak,

Yes, you are right.
Sorry that I have misinterpret the question.
What shivachellam could be asking is can
VB codes communicate to a microcontroller.
Yes. A computer can talk to microcontroller through many means.
digital I/O, parallel port, serial port (RS232, RS485), Ethernet, WiFi.
for RS232, you can try searching for keyword "open com port"
for Ethernet/Network means, try searching for "TCP/IP" or "network socket port"
Almost any programming language can talk to a microcontroller,
because the limitation is not on the language.
It is the electronic hardware support that is important.
Nothing to do with the programming language.

If you are talking about could you write a VB code for microcontroller.
No. I have not seen any tool yet, to use VB programming on that microcontroller.
It is not impossible, just that no one wrote the tool yet, from what I know.
If there is a VB compiler for PIC16F877a, of course there is no problem.

I hope this would be clearer.

Best Regards,
Siong Boon

visual basic pic pc

for interfacing between microcontroller and PC look on these pages,
**broken link removed**

and if you want to use a mocrocontroller from 8051 family and want to interface with PC through serial or parallel port, here you will find example and reference projects of micro controllers.
**broken link removed**

pic microcontroller and visual basic

PIC877A has USART that can be used to connect to any devices using asynchronous serial data transfer (RS232). RS232 level converter chip is needed between PIC and PC.

Re: pic microcontroller and visual basic

PIC877A has USART that can be used to connect to any devices using asynchronous serial data transfer (RS232). RS232 level converter chip is needed between PIC and PC.

sir can u please tell me which compiler i should use to interface pic with visual basic 6 or 10,which is better 6 or 10 ,why?

MS Excel and Seven Segment

Hi Experts,
i have searched a lot on internet but didnt find any proper answer.
can we display MS Excel data on seven segment display? any numeric value in MS Excel by any method?

M. Mohsin

Re: MS Excel and Seven Segment

Hi Mohsin,

Yes it is possible.
You need to programming your own micro-controller to render/control
the data display. Micro-controller is like a mini size computer.

Hi Experts,
i have searched a lot on internet but didnt find any proper answer.
can we display MS Excel data on seven segment display? any numeric value in MS Excel by any method?

M. Mohsin

Re: MS Excel and Seven Segment

Hi Mohsin,

Yes it is possible.
You need to programming your own micro-controller to render/control
the data display. Micro-controller is like a mini size computer.

Hi siongboon,
Thanks for your quick response.
Yes i know i have to program microcontroller, my question is by which tool?
VB? C#? Java? Assembly or C?
Which tool is best to read data from Excel and to make it available on serial port of PC?
I have managed to access data form PLC and display on Excel.

Thanks and Regards,
M. Mohsin

Re: MS Excel and Seven Segment

Any language that you are familiar or comfortable with.
You can read the excel file using all
- VB
- C#
- Java
- Assembly
- C, C++

using a PC and make it available on the serial port.
Data is make up of 0 and 1. Any language can manipulate/read the data freely.

Best Regards,
Siong Boon


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