how to interface grpical lcd module (128*64) with pic

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Junior Member level 1
Oct 17, 2006
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hantronix hdm64gs12

can any body help me to interface grapical lcd module 128*64

with pic microcontroller

with circuit diagram and program

sed 128*64

if you use ccs u can easily use glcd.c library and use in your project
////                           GLCD.C                                ////
////                                                                 ////
//// This file contains drivers for using a Hantronix HDM64GS12 with ////
//// an LED backlight. The HDM64GS12 is 128 pixles across and 64     ////
//// pixels down. The driver treats the upper left pixel as (0,0).   ////
////                                                                 ////
//// LCD Pin connections:                                            ////
//// (These can be changed as needed in the following defines).      ////
////  * 1: VSS is connected to GND                                   ////
////  * 2: VDD is connected to +5V                                   ////
////  * 3: V0 - LCD operating voltage is connected from a 20k Ohm POT////
////  * 4: D/I - Data or Instruction is connected to B2              ////
////  * 5: R/W - Read or Write is connected to B4                    ////
////  * 6: Enable is connected to B5                                 ////
////  *7-14: Data Bus 0 to 7 is connected to port d                  ////
////  *15: Chip Select 1 is connected to B0                          ////
////  *16: Chip Select 2 is connected to B1                          ////
////  *17: Reset is connected to C0                                  ////
////  *18: Negative voltage is also connected to the 20k Ohm POT     ////
////  *19: Positive voltage for LED backlight is connected to +5V    ////
////  *20: Negavtive voltage for LED backlight is connected to GND   ////
////                                                                 ////
////  glcd_init(mode)                                                ////
////     * Must be called before any other function.                 ////
////       - mode can be ON or OFF to turn the LCD on or off         ////
////                                                                 ////
////  glcd_pixel(x,y,color)                                          ////
////     * Sets the pixel to the given color.                        ////
////       - color can be ON or OFF                                  ////
////                                                                 ////
////  glcd_line(x1,y1,x2,y2,color)                                   ////
////     * Draws a line from the first point to the second point     ////
////       with the given color.                                     ////
////       - color can be ON or OFF                                  ////
////                                                                 ////
////  glcd_rect(x1,y1,x2,y2,fill,color)                              ////
////     * Draws a rectangle with upper left point (x1,y1) and lower ////
////       right point (x2,y2).                                      ////
////       - fill can be YES or NO                                   ////
////       - color can be ON or OFF                                  ////
////                                                                 ////
////  glcd_bar(x1,y1,x2,y2,width,color)                              ////
////     * Draws a bar (wide line) from the first point to the       ////
////       second point.                                             ////
////       - width is the number of pixels wide                      ////
////       - color is ON or OFF                                      ////
////                                                                 ////
////  glcd_circle(x,y,radius,fill,color)                             ////
////     * Draws a circle with center at (x,y)                       ////
////       - fill can be YES or NO                                   ////
////       - color can be ON or OFF                                  ////
////                                                                 ////
////  glcd_text57(x,y,textptr,size,color)                            ////
////     * Write the null terminated text pointed to by textptr with ////
////       the upper left coordinate of the first character at (x,y).////
////       Characters are 5 pixels wide and 7 pixels tall.           ////
////       - size is an integer that scales the size of the text     ////
////       - color is ON or OFF                                      ////
////     * Note - The given text is character wrapped. If this       ////
////       function is used on a different size display, then change ////
////       the GLCD_WIDTH define appropriately.                      ////
////                                                                 ////
////  glcd_fillScreen(color)                                         ////
////     * Fills the entire LCD with the given color.                ////
////       - color can be ON or OFF                                  ////
////                                                                 ////
i hope be helpful


What is the controller ... ks0108 or SED family?

ks0108 fill rectangle pic microcontroller

Look here: **broken link removed**

128 64 sed

yousafzai said:
What is the controller ... ks0108 or SED family?
it's for ks0108



i interface the graphical LCD 128x64 with 89c2051 for ur reference

if u want coding then feel free to requset help

pic c

Does anyone have a code compatible with HiTech C ?

I want to use PIC16F877.



This book is PIC IF with Glcd

pic 64 x 128 lcd

I want to use AVR

how to interface 128 64 lcd with pic

I want to use in PIC18F4550, Haha

Re: ampire 128*64

i need datasheet of ampire 128x64 glcd please help me to find

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