How to increase the gain for an antenna in IE3D(simulator)

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srikanth nampally

Junior Member level 2
Feb 19, 2009
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increasing the gain

how to increase the gain for an antenna in IE3D(simulator)..which parameters should be modified?....

Re: increasing the gain

Well............what antenna do you have????
What is your gain????

Re: increasing the gain

if u want to increasing the gain in simulation, its too difficult. i think gain value will know if u have measured the antenna coz its compare 2 or three antenna.

Re: increasing the gain

hello tyassin

iam designing a tuning fork type uwb patch antenna in IE3D simulator
for tuning fork structure iam getting a gain of around 4.2dbi but the bandwidth is 10.2GHz...For rectangular patch gain is 6 to 7dbi but iam getting a gain of 2.1dbi but the bandwidth is 10.2GHz how to increase it

Re: increasing the gain


At what frequency are you designing your patch antenna?

Re: increasing the gain

hello tyassin
i have designed a rectangular patch at 5.74GHz for infinite ground plane ..but for finite ground plane iam getting a bandwidth of how to increase the gain for that antenna

Re: increasing the gain


First, I am not at all familiar with IE3D....more HFSS.

If you have a standard patch design, you usually end up with a really narrowband return loss.
Is your bandwidth related to the return loss? and if so at what level are you measuring it. Usually -10 dB is used although depending on application.

Decreassing your ground plane will decrease your gain, you will have more radiation at the back.

Re: increasing the gain

hello tyassin iam measuring at -10db i have used partial gorund plane that means it increases the bandwidth so how can we increase the gain...bandwidth around 10.2GHz for rectangular patch and gain around 2.1dbi...hoe to increase the gain

increasing the gain

hi kspalla
wat do u mean by lowering Dk or incresing the volume.....

Re: increasing the gain

Antenna size primarily drives the gain. Sometimes length increases helps too, think of a Yagi-Uda. The bigger the aperture the more gain you can expect. After that you can go after efficiency increases.

increasing the gain

to increase the gain of patch antenna, you should make some slots of the patch antenna and also reduce the size. I used to do this way and the gain increased.
However, it's not good for using in antenna array.

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