How to implement a specific MCU/CPU in FPGAs?

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Newbie level 5
Feb 28, 2004
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mc6805 using vhdl

Anybody has such idea or maybe you can give some advice
and, where can i find some useful materials ?

many thanks to all of you!

Did you see my post on CPUgen ... Check it out the code produce is very lean and easy to understand !

I've seen your post, and downloaded CPUGen, thanks for your help!
by the way, would you tell me where i can find more materials?

Circuit Cellar issues 116+117 have articles about implementing a RISC core in FPGA.


There is a NICE MATERIAL on microprecessor DESIGN in vhdl .I think is exactly what you are looking for

Get it here :
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i presume you want to try something for free. there is a lot of junk outhere on net, but i've tried PIC from opencores; it works just fine.

eltonjohn said:
There is a NICE MATERIAL on microprecessor DESIGN in vhdl .I think is exactly what you are looking for

Get it here :

this seems like a great link but some of the lectures are password protected.
does anyone know the password. It would be greatly appreciated...

I had to implement a small MCU in FPGA and headed many difficulties. A big problem is the Reg files and Cache. They exhaust too many spaces.

there is a new feature for protel 2004 that relates to this object.
visit for more informations and examples.
the problem is the price(about 8000$).
good luck

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Try this site.

Check the book!

Digital System Design Using Vhdl - Roth, Charles H.

It shows example of mc6805 microcontroller in VHDL.

There is a NICE MATERIAL on microprecessor DESIGN in vhdl .I think is exactly what you are looking for

Get it here :
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I'm reading this thread long after it's started and the link you provided is not working anymore.
Would you please send that material (about cpu design) to me?
my email addr :

Thank you very much in advance.

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