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How to generate the netlist for HSpice?

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Sep 12, 2002
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I want to find a tool runing at win2K to draw the schematic, and through this tool I can get the netlist for HSpice.
Someone can tell me some tools?

From Mentor WG200x Design Capture you can generate HSPICE netlist.


Cohesion can do the job quite easy.

Does the Cohesion run at Win2K?

Where can I download it?

I used to draw schematics and generate HSPICE netlist automatically using Workview Office.


Check your PM now.


Thank you very much,sulifen

I try to send a message to you for your kindness, but the proxy server has some trouble in helping me for that!

U are welcome.
May you have a well job with it.


you can try a very simple one called LTspice , SwitcherCAD III . It is a small spice engine from with moderate schematic capabilities but it can generate the same netlist as HSPICE.

sulifen, Do you always use Cohesion to do your design? I want to find a library, which including the symbols for vdc, vac and vsin etc. Can you help me?
I try Cohesion to setup my own symbols, but I can not see the attribute name and instance name, when I put a symbol cell in a schematic. Moreover, when I reopen the schematic, I can see the instance name of the cell, what is wrong with my symbols?

No, I'm never use C0hesi0n for my design.
So, maybe you can make a new topic to discuss about the C0hesi0n usage.


sulifen, can you tell me that which tool you often use?

you can try to use the orcad from cadence. this tools is easy to learn and to use than Woffice. The only thing you need to do is read some special manuals about PSPICE templates in orcad manual, and then generate some parts which is suit for hspice. some parts for PSPICE you can use it directly like R,C,L,and so on.And with little modified you can use some parts like pnp, npn,nmos, can even generate some special parts like ideally OP, Capicity varied with the inputed voltage. and so on. it will make your work like a nice game. 8)

I always use the orcad, but I don't do some work as you!

Maybe I should try this nice game as you!

HSpice is better than Pspice (Orcad)

Hspice gives more accurate results than Pspice (Orcad) does. I've used both for the same project and the difference was as much as 0.5V (DC output of an opamp that I designed). As far as netlist generation for hspice, do it by hand. It's surprisingly easy, especially if making digital circuits which have a lot of shared components.

Re: HSpice is better than Pspice (Orcad)

infomissing123 said:
Hspice gives more accurate results than Pspice (Orcad) does. I've used both for the same project and the difference was as much as 0.5V (DC output of an opamp that I designed). As far as netlist generation for hspice, do it by hand. It's surprisingly easy, especially if making digital circuits which have a lot of shared components.
i am agree with you about the benefits about hspice. but the only thing i want to describe here is how to generate the netlist, indeed, any tools can capture the circuits and generate netlists are candidates for this tasks. like orcad's capture (not pspice), woffice,composer, and even the Protel, the different is how ease to modify your parts specially for hspice.

like orcad's(now cadence) products orcadv9.1, which will contail the capture(input the circuit and as a front end to other tools) PSPICE, and a PCB layout tools. you can see those tools are three different and independed tools, and you can use any tools above independently if you give the input files correctly. but fortunately, orcad glue those tools, and you can those tools more easily. like simulating circuits in orcad using PSPICE. you will do this step:
1. input the circuit using some parts in pspice parts libray(using orcad's capture)
2. setup up some simulating profiles.
3. simulate this circuits using pspice and probe the results.

those are you seen. and do it by yourself. indeed. the software do some important steps automatically.
1.generating the netlists using the contact informating and parts PSPICE templates informations in schematics .
2.using the profiles to generate some special simulating command.
3.use the information above. generate the Cir which is input file of pspice. the pspice.
5. back annotated the results, by read the output of pspice.

as we know hspice is a kind of spice. and use normal spice syntax, but it have some advanced functions different than other verions spices of other PSPICE. in
1.special simulate commands.
2.some special parts like capacity varied with input voltage. ideal OP. and so on.
3. some commands usage is different from others like .lib and library files

with the snapshot above. we can learn that the orcad's capture can gererate .cir files for pspice. why not generate the .sp file for Hspice?
from manuals of orcad. we can learn that in the capture 's library for pspice,all parts have a template named PSPICE template to meet the special need for generating informats for spice. simplely like C which PSPICE templates is C_%refer% %1 %2 %value. ( i am not sure please refer the manuals)when captrue want to generate the netlist. it will replace the %refer% with the part number in scematic . %1 with the plus node. %2 with minor node. %value with the capcity. if in scematics a C with part name C11 and conected by node1,node2, with value 1pf. the capture will product this results:
C_C11 node1 nod2 1pf

which is suit for spice syntax. both for pspice and hspice. use this function you can generate some sepical parts for hspice. and even the simulateing command. like ideal OP and .tran ......

for instances. ideal OP in hspice have syntax like E_refer 1 2 3 4 OPAMP ( i am not sure) with _refer are part name. 1 2 3 4 will be the input and output node. the OPAMP will indicated it is a ideal OP. so in parts's templeat you will write like this E%refer% %1 %2 %3 %4 OPAMP then the capture will give you suitable result.

commands can be inputed in scematics too by using the PSPICE template. like .tran .noise .measure and so on. in my libaray for hspice i have a parts will give me opporunity to input command up to 10 sentences. it is suit for major tasts in my domain.

wise my introduce will help you. thanks :D .

BTW, any other secematic input tools can do this task, like composer from candence. a skill ( a language from cadence) file is needed to generate the hspice netlist. it is hard to learn and to modify. so why i choose the orcad the reason is ease to learn.. to use.. . and to modify the parts...... thought i alway use the composer in workstation.

BTW again. it is said that the simulating result is different in window and in unix workstation even have the same input files and options, and some version of hspice. i am working in a SUN workstation. which will have signoff results.

I use the Workview office in win2000,it is convenient for getting netlist of Hspice.

Hello All,

the .cir generated by orcad is quite similar to the netlist input file of Hspice. Can we generate a .cir file without launching the Pspice simulation ?

Does a .cir to Hspice input netlist converter exist ?



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