How to generate test_counter.msk file for ISE IMPACT?

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Advanced Member level 4
Aug 19, 2005
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Hi all

I am using Boundary-Scan mode Progam test_counter.bit directly but meet problem

ERROR:Bitstream:2 - The input file "E:\richi1\test_counter.msk" does not exist.  Please check that the specified location is correct and that the bitstream was succesfully created.
ERROR:iMPACT:123 - Mask file E:\richi1\test_counter.msk is invalid

I search all file in my project but fail to found the file of test_counter.msk .Can any one tell me how to generate this file(test_counter.msk)

thx in advance

ise verify

In IMPACT, in boundary scan mode, we have different options to generate a final bitmap file. In our case we used *.svf file in bounadary scan mode. First you check with JTAG s/w you are using, which file it can accept.

verify fpga impact

you usually don't need the mask file, just uncheck this option.

ise impact program svf

hi all
thanks you for help !
I already got it .A MASK file is used with a bitstream for verify operations. The required extension for a MASK file is .msk. Just check Readback Options in "Generate Programming File" properties

msk does not exist xilinx

from ur description it seems that u have aproject in he ISE now u synthisaze the code after that go for place & route then Generate programming file the impact will start .that wil start go for Xilinx serial eprom which u have on the board then go for the bit file u will get the work done

ise mask file is invalid

Uncheck the "Verify" option when you program the FPGA will solve the problem.

ise impact msk

If my description without any problem I have said that I have already solved my problem.
I am right ? but still thx for your reply.

Hi finalmatrix
According to your description
Uncheck the "Verify" option when you program the FPGA will solve the problem
Can you prove FPGA will be worked correctly ? so I always checked verify option

+xilinx +impact +verify option +fpga

ya this problem arises for me also..

you have clicked verify....

just unclick that and proceed..

for verifying you need .msk file....


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