How to generate clock from FPGA to run another IC

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Newbie level 5
Jan 28, 2007
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generate ic from fpga

I need to generate clock from FPGA to drive another IC which is connected to the FPGA. Do I use a frequency divider or something to achieve ths where in I take the master clock from FPGA clock and generate the new clock? I am clueless about this. Help me with this. And moreover the IC that gets connected to the FPGA can be different as in the FPGA needs to drive different ICs so the clocks are different that have to be generated how can I make it dynamic with respect to the IC?

you need clock source regardless to drive FPGA. than inside you can use PLL to generate specific frequencies. Also you can use counters to scale down clock

I did not understand it. Clock source as in external clock source? Or I need to write some vhdl code to generate clock source? can you explain it a little more? I am new to all this so slow in understanding.

FPGA doesnot have any clock oscillators inside.
So u need to use a Crystal oscillator for generating a master clock. FPGA has PLLs inside. so this master clock has to be fed to the FPGA to generate(using PLLS) other clock frequencies that has to be supplied to the different ICs on ur Board.

clock of how much frequency you are looking for? use counter, but counter may use more hardware than PLL, if hardware is not constraint for you then go with counter else PLL.

Are you looking for something like this!

Thanks for all your replies. I am to build a tester chip using FPGA to test some ICs..basically the RAM in FPGA stores the inputs(test vectors) and the expected responses. The test vectors are fed to the DUT and the output collected from DUT is sent to FPGA back to be compared with the expected responses and then decision whether IC passed or failed is taken. So the DUT can be any IC which can have any clock frequency. So this is my requirement. As in I need to make the DUT work like s separate IC when clock and inputs are given externally. Hope you are getting it.

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