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How to prove the parseval's theorem for a periodic wave say a sinusiod
x(t)= cos ωot
We all know that the fourier transform has two impulses one at ωo and one at -ωo and the amplitude of both will be Π (pi)
But you can't prove the Parseval's theorem as the energy will be infinity and both left hand side and right hand side go to infinity.
Well what I would like to know is the power as it is finite for a periodic waveform. Will it be possible to find out the power for the above waveform using Parseval's theorem ( I need to find out the power from the spectrum i.e. frequency domain and prove that power is also conserved in both time and frequency domain) ?
Thanks in advance.
x(t)= cos ωot
We all know that the fourier transform has two impulses one at ωo and one at -ωo and the amplitude of both will be Π (pi)
But you can't prove the Parseval's theorem as the energy will be infinity and both left hand side and right hand side go to infinity.
Well what I would like to know is the power as it is finite for a periodic waveform. Will it be possible to find out the power for the above waveform using Parseval's theorem ( I need to find out the power from the spectrum i.e. frequency domain and prove that power is also conserved in both time and frequency domain) ?
Thanks in advance.