Member level 5

Hi everyone,
Can you tell me what method I have to use to extract parasitic of a MOSFET. I used S-parameter simulation:

I would like to know Cgs (gate-source capacitance). In the schematic, MOSFET was biased as operating point and I used very large ideal inductor to isolate effect of Cgd (gate-drain capacitance). So, Cgs=imag(Y11)/(2*pi*freq)=0.178 pF.
Please help me. I really appreciate your comments. Thank.
Can you tell me what method I have to use to extract parasitic of a MOSFET. I used S-parameter simulation:

I would like to know Cgs (gate-source capacitance). In the schematic, MOSFET was biased as operating point and I used very large ideal inductor to isolate effect of Cgd (gate-drain capacitance). So, Cgs=imag(Y11)/(2*pi*freq)=0.178 pF.
Please help me. I really appreciate your comments. Thank.