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How to create 2-layer PCB by yourself?

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Advanced Member level 4
Jul 27, 2007
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Anyone know how to create 2-layer PCB with your's own hand, doesn't base on any services that specialize in this stuff ?
Thanks !!!

Re: 2-layer PCBs

Hi, here it is how I made it.
-First go and buy a 2 side sensitive board.
-Take the sch you want to make, and do it in a design program (I use Eagle PCB for this). With Eagle, you draw your schematic, and when it comes to make the pcb it has auto router, once in the autorouter place the components where you want, and try autorouter. I normally made some wiring at hand, and let other for the autorouter. I also make some holes drawing in the corners of the drawing, that will help to mount correctly the two fotolites.

-After you have the pcb drawn, print it in acetate (transparent plastic or similar). I usually put some text to not be wrong when I put it to isolate. Also, once I put the TOP acetate, I perform the holes that I hace previosly make in the drawing to help fitting the two layers. The following steps must be done in darkness, or with a red light diode to help fitting.
-Place the TOP acetate and let it isolate for about 30 minutes on a fluorescent light. The botton side must be fully covered to not be exposed to light. The time will depend, so it is better to try different times of isolation with a small board till you encounter the best that matches yours acetate/board.
Once isolated the top layer, cover it totally to not being exposed when you perform the botton layer. Put the botton acetate, fit it in the correct place by fitting the holes previously made. (Check that it has the correct mirroring). Expose the secong layer as was made with the top layer.
After that you can reveil your board. After being reveiled, check for broken lines, etc, and then attack it. I usually make it with h202 and Hard water. But you can use other chemicals. I let it attack the board till I see that it is correct.
and thats all.
Excuse my poor english, I'm spanish. Hope this helped you.

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