How to copy SIM card of a mobile phone?

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Advanced Member level 4
May 17, 2002
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How to copy SIM card of a mobile phone?(a copier circuit)

copy sim card


a software called simscan used for this purpose you can download it from link given byside you will find lot of other goodies also

sim card copy software

you can copy the sim card in to gold or pic card2

but you first must find KI and IMSI number

and this programmer will help you vp-20 :sm21:



sim card schematic

Thats not that easy as it sounds. Copying a SIM card is not the same as copying a floppy disk.

The function of the SOFTWARE within a SIM card is well known and may be emulated by another (different) processor based on popular PIC or AVR chip. These cards (better: their upload code) are available at different places.

Beneath the programm code, you need some DATA stored in a sim card. Thats on one hand data like stored telephone numbers or adresses, but also som technical information about your provider, your home location network etc. Most of the data stored in a sim card is readable, and as the file system structure of a sim card is also known, you may store the information read frome one card to another card (with different processor) .

There is at least ONE kind of information which is secret and not direct accesible trough any reading routines: the "Secret " key Ki. This key will be used to authentify a mobile phone user against its netowrk operator. without knowledge of this key, you never get logged in into a network to place a call. The key will be used in a crypto algorithm namend comp-128 A38 which resides inside the card and will be processed by the processor of the card itself.

There is one exploit to read out this key. It works as follows: The cards crypto routine will be fed rxternal by some special prepared pattern sequence, and the returned crypto answer helps to identify the key Ki which might have been used to generate the answer.

As this explot is known, only a few operators still use this krypto mechanimns ("old" comp-128). Insteead of this, most operators nowadays use comp128-3 which does not have this exploit, and therefore most new mobile phone cards are no more clonable.

Nevertheless, to manage a phone book of a card, lot of software is available for small money. A few weeks ago, i bought this kind of software for my nokia fr 10 EUR (incl. a serial adapter cable for transfering the data into the mobile phone). In this meaning, you may "clone" a phone book of one card to another card.

copy simcard

some point which you have rase are quite valid but its all depend on what you used for this task free apps can give erratic result but like VP-20 or cardmaster is the best for all kind of these task just give try to them

simcard copy

i have tried sim scan and can only seem to get it ot work with old sim cards but as i am only playing it dosn't realy matter by the way no one has mentioned that it take a long time to extract the data 8 hours plus in some cases and the speed depends on the reader not the computer

sim copying

The probability of damage of a card is not small , somewhat you risk a card!!!

copying sim card

use simmanager

how to copy simcard

Hey, umm it's offtopic but luc2002 , I advise that you should change the avatar because there are -18 years old kids browsing the forum. Take me for instance!

And about the simcard -> I have the schematics of a simcard reader . I'm posting it and hope that i should get some points for this!

copy sim

I think no one will get you any point if you see this link you will Know why

**broken link removed**

**broken link removed**

**broken link removed**


sim card reader schematics

This is where I got it and I thought It was usefull!
P.S. What are those triangles on the schematic? And please explain in a primitive way for me to understand!

sim card copying


Do you mean Sokrat' Schematics ?

If yes,
The triangles is a Integrated Circuit IC (14 pins) which have 6 inverter gates (each triangle is a inverter gate)

6* 2 = 12 pins

The remaining pins are the VCC (14) and The GND (7)

I hope that help

sim card copying software

Any PC user interface for the SIM_SCAN above ?

sim card reader schematic

Any PC user interface for the SIM_SCAN above ?

I dont understand your question. The software SIM_SCAN is PC based, and it needs some hardware, and the hardware is based on RS232 Interface, which is a standard interface connector in every PC.
www.copy simcard to

4 abu_zakan

sim-scan 1.33 is already win32 app... previous ver. are only DOS or not runing w. well on any windows vers. use sim-scan 1.33 and 4 hardware see sokrat's post. The first link is already tested OK this is Dejan's originakl schematic! have fun.

sim scan ki

Any PC user interface for the SIM_SCAN above ?

ok, "PC user interface" seem to be your synonym for "graphical User Interface". As LUC2002 writes, you may use newer versions of simscan, which are GUI based.

But nevertheless, the extraction of Ki will fail with newer cards. Its not the fact if it will ned 4 or 8 hours. The point is, that the exploit of the old cards is no longer available on newer cards, therefore you only may "brute-force" the card. Brute-forcing the card by checking all possible values needs a few 10.000 years continous calculating.

The term "cards may be damaged" has the following meaning:

The trick (exploit) how to identify the Ki value is to WRITE some specific things to the (old type) card. Then with this written value some tests were performed, and the result gives some idea about possible value of Ki.

First of all, "newer cards" have a counter, which will count the writing access to the card (for this special operation). The flash technology itself accepts a few 100.000 writing cycles, but there is a build-in security counter. After 65535 access cycles, the card will be finaly locked and there is no more access possible.

Second, as newer cards use a different crypto algorithm for building Ki, you will definetly get no acces to the value of Ki, as it may not be identified with the method described before.

So if you want to analyze (clone) an actual working and valid card, be prepared that the card possibly may be damaged that way.

simcard reader schematic

hi all is anyone try the sim reader and programmer
which are posted here

copy a sim card

Cool guys!
I found this is funny and I will try it based on above.
But how much it will cost for this system, including software and hardware?

copying sim cards

And where to download the "VP-20" or "cardmaster "?
Are they free?
What about the adapt?Need to modify?

simscan 1.33

And where to download the "VP-20" or "cardmaster "?

you will find it here: h**p://

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