How to communicate PIC16F877 with 16F77 using USB port?

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Newbie level 1
Jan 9, 2005
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who can help me about uP

I'm living viet nam !
I want to communication with USB port and I have a PIC16F877 and 16F77
how can I do ? I'm a student , I wish I were friend with every one on over the wold Who interesting in electronic
I thank every one !
let sent to me soon !

Re: who can help me about uP

Use SEARCH button.
There are a lot of resent posts on USB - microcontroller subject in this forum..

Re: who can help me about uP

16F877 and 16F77 does not have a USB built in. You should try with 16c745 or 16c765 (otp). These are made by Microchip. However there are lots of manufacturers. You should try

Re: who can help me about uP

There are some new PICs out, with USB 1.1 Full Speed integrated.
These are the 18F2550 and some of the same series... (both, 28-pin and 40-pin available) Just have a look at the microchip website.

If you don't have access to them, you could use an ftdi232bm or similar rs232-usb-converters to access your pics with your 16F877. If you use an ftdi245bm, you could use the parallel-slave-port to transfer the data to the pic with particular high speed.

If that is not enough, you have to use an 18F, as mentioned above.

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