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how to communicate from PC to AVR microcontroller with USB controller.

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Hi all, thanks a millions times in advance for the helps.

I am using a 8 bits AVR microcontroller with USB controller, I want to send data to the AVR microcontroller via USB.

I read through multiple documents but I don't understand them, maybe because I am FPGA engineer, no software background (but i can write C). What i read is mostly using software approach to do the USB communication, but I want to use the USB hardware which comes with the uC.

I would like to know how to send data from PC to my AVR uC, and also using what software to do that on a PC.

the atmel microcontroller --> AT90USB162

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I would like to know how to send data from PC to my AVR uC, and also using what software to do that on a PC.

the atmel microcontroller --> AT90USB162

You will have to use USB-UART module for making connection between the USB port on the PC to the input data port.You will also need to install a driver on your PC to handle the data communication.The module looks like this.. usb-uart.jpg
There should be a bootloader installed in your PC to burn the hex code generated from the compilation,onto the microcontroller IC..A software named flashmagic,does that kind of job and should be useful for this..
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actually I already can program the AT90USB162, it has bootloader support.
I am using Atmel Flip program to program the hex into it.

What I would like to know is how to use the USB hardware built in it (to communicate with PC).
And also is there any simple standalone software, that I can write some bit patterns from PC to the uC?


try CDC (communication device class) implement on AT90USB162 for data send and receive .

actually i have never try on Atmel devise but in pic32 i have completely receive and transmit bit or some command pc to micro controller.
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Probably not so user-friendly as the Microchip application library, but Atmel has some downloadable examples for AT90USB processors, including CDC implementation. e.g. AVR272: USB CDC Demonstration or AVR276: USB Software Library for megaAVR with USB
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thank you all.

Actually I am testing out this, but I couldn't get it through compilation on Studio6.
AVR328: USB Generic HID Implementation on megaAVR devices
(file size: 4013212, 13 pages, revision C, updated: 07/2008)

I also follow the document on how to migrate Studio4 to Studio6 document.
------- Atmel AVR544: Migrating megaAVR USB projects to Atmel AVR Studio 5/6
(file size: 955KB, 10 pages, revision A, updated: 04/2012)

Error 1 variable 'usb_dev_desc' must be const in order to be put into read-only section by means of '__attribute__((progmem))'

Error 2 variable 'usb_conf_desc' must be const in order to be put into read-only section by means of '__attribute__((progmem))'

Error 3 variable 'usb_user_manufacturer_string_descriptor' must be const in order to be put into read-only section by means of '__attribute__((progmem))'

Error 4 variable 'usb_user_product_string_descriptor' must be const in order to be put into read-only section by means of '__attribute__((progmem))'

Error 5 variable 'usb_user_language_id' must be const in order to be put into read-only section by means of '__attribute__((progmem))'

- - - Updated - - -

I am trying on the older version now (Studio4).

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