How to capture an unknown circuit?

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Member level 2
Jul 26, 2004
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Hi I need to be familiar circuit elements, PCB etc. For example how to capture an unknown circuit. Where can I get such information. Thanks

Re: beginner

I'm not sure that I can fully understand what you asked! Please be more specific.

However, something here may be useful to you.

- First, you must grasp basic knowledge of electronics (circuit theory, circuit design techniques, etc.)

- Then, you have to choose your CAD program to implement your design using PC (well-known such as OrCAD, Protel, etc)

- The best way To get familiar with these is to do something with them. Access their website ( or to get more information.

And of course, explore this BOARD, you can find more and so many useful information!

Re: beginner

Use PSpice?

Re: beginner

because he is beginner .. like me

I suggest to my collegue that read some of very basic electro(nic)-book ..


Re: beginner

Hi ,
As we all know who is " the boss" of Electronics ?

So i suggest first of all focus on basics of transistors like working,biasing etc.

For this you'll need to brush up you basic electronics laws like Ohms ,Kirchoffs etc..

Once you are comfortable with transistors you can now proceed to build small and simple circuits of Amplifier, Oscillator then transmitter etc...Of course its going to be a tough jouney initially but soon you'll find it exciting.

Have a book as your guide and a simulator software as your helper.
One book i suggest is " TEach yourself Electrical and Electronics " (Available at forum) One simulator software i suggest is Circuit maker ,its available for free download from .

And then if you have any problem ,your all friends at EDA would help you !

all the best !!!

Re: beginner

I prefer you this book.

It is one of the best books that I have ever seen.
be successful

Re: beginner

you have to be familiar with circuit and systems firs. also you have to study basic of electronic. after that there are many programs which can help you . for example Protel , Layout, ORCAD, PSpise and etc.

Re: beginner

wht do u mean by capture ........r u a PIRATE Or somethin PLZ be specific so dat we can help u OUT

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