Junior Member level 3

If i have a microstrip line with dimension W and L, (L>W). The substrate is of height H and dielectric constatnt Er ( Hence an effective dielectric constant Eeff can be calculated).
This segment of microstrip line should resonate at certain frequency right?
So I have 2 questions:
(1) How to calculate/estimate the resonate frequency? Is it F=0.5*c/sqrt(Eeff)/L ?
(2) How to find the resonate freq through simulation, by HFSS / Sonnet etc?
If i have a microstrip line with dimension W and L, (L>W). The substrate is of height H and dielectric constatnt Er ( Hence an effective dielectric constant Eeff can be calculated).
This segment of microstrip line should resonate at certain frequency right?
So I have 2 questions:
(1) How to calculate/estimate the resonate frequency? Is it F=0.5*c/sqrt(Eeff)/L ?
(2) How to find the resonate freq through simulation, by HFSS / Sonnet etc?