How to avoid bugs of tools ?

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alex king

Newbie level 6
Dec 10, 2003
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How to aviod tools bugs?

We know,any tool has bugs.
when we meet it, it is really big headache.
do anyone know how to aviod it?

Re: How to aviod tools bugs?

Bo way you can avoid bug. Software always have bugs no matter what. To avoid trouble, don't use the latest version, let the big company use them first. Don't use version like IC5.00 but use IC5.143 etc because the new big version alway have a lot of bugs. Use the old stable one, even if the software have bug, there are way to work around it. The are a lot PKS (problems known and solved) the software company website.

Re: How to aviod tools bugs?

I guess by thoroughly reading the documentation, support forum archives, upgrading the software with latest add-ons/patches/updates and trying to use it as the software house intended it to use.

But mostly by learning to tolerate bugs.

Delay (delayed by technology)

How to aviod tools bugs?

Because it called "tool bugs" therefore if you use a tool, you will meet it. No way to avoid absoletely !
However, as there are a lot ways to reach a target point, you can chose one.

In my opinion, you should usually contact with the supplier to get new information about the tool that you bought. Add-on and update should always be remembered.

How to aviod tools bugs?

Use the normal functions producted by this tools.
EDA Vendors will do their best to test the normal functions. Some special options might cause different understands.

How to aviod tools bugs?

which bug u meet ....
can u descript more detail ....

Re: How to aviod tools bugs?

troops said:
which bug u meet ....
can u descript more detail ....

Any tool have thousand of bugs. Register in any website synopsys, Cadence, Mentor graphics... you will see thousand of bug reported.

Re: How to aviod tools bugs?

The only way to avoid bugs is to upadte software usually.

How to aviod tools bugs?

You can suggest tool suppliers to inform you the updating information when new upadating packages are releasing, something like MSN.

Re: How to aviod tools bugs?

linuxluo said:
The only way to avoid bugs is to upadte software usually.

updating software often causes new bug, which I meets servel times.
I think the check method is more important since the bug is hardly voided.

Re: How to aviod tools bugs?

Main matter is there how critical the bug is??If the bug is not creating the desiired behaviour but it is onlu producing some unwanted things too then in that case we can ignore the bug

How to aviod tools bugs?

my experience is using the stable version, not the newest version.

Re: How to aviod tools bugs?

ymli said:
my experience is using the stable version, not the newest version.

I agree. The old stable version have bugs too, but it have ways to work around

Re: How to aviod tools bugs?

Stable version doesnot guarantee that the tooll is bug free but it only tells that whatever is expected behaviour it satisfyies that much ....but it may be some bugs will be still there

Re: How to aviod tools bugs?

ymli said:
my experience is using the stable version, not the newest version.
But new version is for new technology such as 90nm, old version can't solve those problem, especial SI.
EDA vendors will send those tools for some big companies before releasing. So I think we can use the normal option of those tools, those don't inlcude bugs.

Good Luck

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