how to access ubuntu terminal from windows

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Full Member level 4
Jul 24, 2014
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i m trying to access the ubuntu terminal from windows using putty. but i m facing error as

Network Error : Connection refused

so is there any other method to access ubuntu terminal.

Now i also install VNC server and configured it. but not working yet.

here are the some screenshots where i am facing problem.I tried different combination.

'ifconfig' should show the network parameters but a safer place to check is to click on the 'up/down' arrows near the top right corner of the screen. Then click on 'connection information' to be sure of the IP address you are using.

If you are accessing over the internet you will have to find the public address and also open the router ports (port forwarding) for VNC. Over a LAN you should be OK to just use the IP address shown.


Establishing a connection via ssh (Putty) or VNC are two very different services, with completely different applications.

If you wish to establish a terminal like connection, then using Secure Shell (SSH) is the way to go, if you after a GUI/Desktop connection similar to as if you logged on direct to the Linux box with keyboard, mouse and monitor, then a VNC connection is what you are after.

First of all, is this a physical Ubuntu box or a VM running Ubuntu?

To establish a SSH connection, first make sure you've installed the SSH server on your Ubuntu box, which is a completely different package than that of SSH client commands you would typically use to connect from the Ubuntu box to the SSH server installed on another machine.

Run the following command within a terminal window on the Ubuntu box:

sudo ps -A | grep ssh

If the SSH server daemon is currently running on you Ubuntu box you should see output similar to the following:

850 ? 00:00:00 sshd

If the above SSH daemon is not found, then install the SSH server using the following command:

sudo apt-get install openssh-server

The installation should also open the proper ports (port 22) on the Ubuntu box and start the sshd daemon.

If the Ubuntu system is a physical machine, you should then be able to connect with Putty by specifying a SSH connection (port 22) and the proper IP address of the the Ubuntu box.

If the Ubuntu system is a VM, like VMWare you will need to switch the VM network connection to bridge mode or further configure the default NAT connection which is configure by default. Switching to bridge mode is much simpler.

If you are still having issues establishing a connection, there maybe some firewall blocking the ports on either the Windows or Ubuntu system.

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