How does SPICE work ?

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Spice works kind like a programming language. You write a circuit in characters (like numbers an letters) and then the software kind of 'compiles' it to generate the results. The comiling process is more like an analyse process. is indeed a good link for information about it.

does spice work?

I am sorry if I did not sound clear. I know how to use SPICE. What I meant was, I needed the mathematical details behind the working of SPICE, like is it a frequency domain solver or a time domain solver, how are the KCL and KVL matrices obtained etc.


how does spiceworks work

maybe you can ask the makers of this site: they have made a open-source implementation of SPICE I think they have to know it... Sorry that I can't help you

how does spice work?

I am also seeking how spice work. i mean the mathematical method that used to analyze the circuit under simulation. such methds used sparse matrix, newton methd. so i have found some sites that can help u understand what are u looking for.
**broken link removed**

i also i recommend u to look at in berekely university

Added after 1 hours 40 minutes:

you are lucky men i have just found a web site that answer your question so u have to check this

how spice work

The Designer's Guide to Spice and Spectre
This book may help you.

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