How does aging is conducted exactly in Cadence?

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Dec 8, 2016
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CMOS ring oscillator frequency degradation through years

I am ruining simulation in VIrtuoso-Cadence, with 13 stage RO (22nm technology) and I am getting a weird frequency degradations. In the 1st case, I am runing the simulation using the tool ADE-L and it shows a 6% degradation in 10 years of aging. The 2nd case, I am using the tool ADE-XL and it is showing a frequency degrdation of 22% in 10 years of aging. What do you think should be the right number on this? Both of them are beign stress in a temperature of 25 Celsius. Please suggest me any recent papers on this, or books.

Re: CMOS ring oscillator frequency degradation through years

Not sure what the issue is. The tools don't know how to calculate aging, they take values from the spice model of the transistors. if you are using the same transistor model, I would expect the same behavior. Are you using the same model in your simulations? how about precision?

Re: CMOS ring oscillator frequency degradation through years

Hi ThisIsNotSam
I am using the same Unified Reliability Interface (URI) file in both tools. And also the same model. The only thing that is changing in ADEXL is an advanced additional arguments which is to make sure the aging is happening according to the library. But this gives me an errror: "Error(RELXP-157): Unable to find keyword 'lvtnfet' in line '.hci_only or .nbti_only or .pbti_only statement' of file 'netlist file'. The correct format should 'specify correct model name in .hci_only or .nbti_only or .pbti_only statement'. Check 'model name in the .hci_only, the .nbti_only, and the .pbti_only statement' before running the simulation again." So I removed this additional argument in ADEXL but I leave it in ADEL. My questions are:
1. Runing ADEXL without this additional arguments still aging the ring oscillator according to the model?
2. How to get rid of this error?
3. Is the stress is happening all the 10 years in ADEL? because in ADEXL appears to happen only 350n seconds?


I am runing aging simulations using ADE XL and I would like you to confirm my theory. Does the aging is conducted by measuring the signal in the transient time analysis specified? Why does the stressing happens only at once? Can the stressing happen every aging point?
Attached you can find two images, 1st a diagram that shows how the aging happens in Cadence. 2nd the stressing number appearing only once in the results.

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