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[AVR] How D6T sensor communicate with ATmega 168 controller

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Newbie level 3
Newbie level 3
Oct 7, 2013
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I would like to know how to program the codes onto the micro-controller of ATmega 168 as I have seen someone who is doing the same thing as mine but using "Wire library" while I am using the Programmer notepad WinAVR software.

Another question will be the com port. As I'm using iRobot roomba model 4400 and the instruction given was as seen in the picture attached.

Thank you for the help as I have not much fundamental background of programming.

Does anyone knows the codes to input in the Programmer notepad in order to achieve a result in the thermal sensor of D6T.
I have tried to use the codes of the thermal sensor into the programmer notepad but it doesn't seems to work. I'm still trying to figure it out.

Can someone helps me?
Thank you! :)

Are you asking of the procedure to compile a program and then load it in the microcontroller?

Why are you trying to use programmers notepad (I assume with winAVR) , install AVR studio or Atmel studio


I'm using WinAVR and Atmel 168 controller with D6T omron sensor.
Basically, I just want to try if the sensor is working by applying the codes from the given sensor manual.
Or do I have to add in more codes to declare the controller and activate it?

I'm sorry my fundamental for c programming isn't that good hence I need more help.
Thank you and appreciated!


I'm using WinAVR programmer notepad to type in the codings and let the Atmel 168 controller works with D6T omron sensor. (As I'm working with iRobot Create which is using Atmel 168 controller)

Basically, I just want to try if the thermal sensor is working by applying the codes from the given D6T thermal sensor manual.
Or do I have to add in more codes to declare for the controller in order to activate it?

I'm sorry my fundamental for c programming isn't that good hence I need more help.
Thank you and appreciated!

Hi loverco,

I am also working on the same thing which you worked earlier i.e, trying to connect the D6T omron sensor with Atmega 1281. I am using Atmel Studio 6 and trying to program since two weeks but unable to get any result. Could you please share the codes? I hope that you could help me as you have worked earlier.

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