how can i start embeded systems

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Jun 2, 2004
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ganssle m68hc05

please help me

i want to learn embeded system and i dont know how to start, can anybody help.

v_kumar said:
please help me

i want to learn embeded system and i dont know how to start, can anybody help.

What is it you want to do?

Do you want to design the hardware? The software? What project do you plan on working on? All these questions have to be answered first.

To start off, I would find a cheap microcontroller development kit to play with. If you're in North America, try P&E Microcomputer Systems ( I've used their development tools and they were well built... I'm sure there are others, but try to stick with the mainstream microcontrollers at first (8051 or M68HC05).

You can't go wrong learning anything to do with the 8051 series of controllers... Be sure that the kit has a good simulator! Being able to "see" what's going on inside the microcontroller will be a big asset to understanding how it all works...

I'll see if I can dig-up some literature for you to look at...


Here’s an online book about the 8051

Architecture and Programming of 8051 Microcontroller

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PIC microcontrollers, for beginners too

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Here are some other online books:

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Embedded Microprocessor Systems : Real World Design
Stuart ball
ISBN: 075067234X
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Synopsis: An introduction to the design of embedded microprocessor systems, from the initial concepts through to debugging the final result. It is not limited to describing any specific processor family, but covers the operation of and interfaces to several types of processors with an emphasis on cost and design tradeoffs. Included throughout the book are numerous examples, tips and pitfalls you can only learn from an experienced designer. It discusses how to implement faster and better design processes, and how to avoid time-consuming and expensive mistakes. The author's many years of experience in the industry have given him an extremely practical approach to design realities and problems. He describes the entire process of designing circuits and the software that controls them, assessing the system requirements, as well as testing and debugging systems. The less-experienced engineer should be able to apply Ball's advice to everyday projects and challenges immediately with good results. This new edition includes a chapter on advanced concepts and appendices of interest to students and beginners.

Embedded Systems Design
Steve Heath
ISBN: 0750632372
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Synopsis: Microprocessors are becoming increasingly present in many aspects of our daily lives. They have become the standard way of implementing digital systems ranging from sophisticated process control systems to cars, burglar alarms and even children's toys. As a result, the demand for these products is increasing dramatically, as is the need for knowledge and the understanding of technology. This is a guide to all aspects of embedded system design, including the hardware, software and design trade-offs associated with design. However, most hardware these days comes ready packaged as a microcontroller and so the emphasis in the book is on software, since this is where the engineer must develop expertise. The approach taken is largely practical, the aim being to explain how systems are designed in the real world rather than in theory. In keeping with this approach, there is a chapter of case studies included in the book to allow the readers to investigate their own real systems and gain practical experience.

Programming Embedded Microprocessors : A High-level Language Solution
R J Foulger
ISBN: 0850123364
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The Art of Designing Embedded Systems
Jack Ganssle
ISBN: 0750698691
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Synopsis: Aimed at practicing embedded systems engineers, this text is part primer and part reference. It lays out a simple seven-step plan to get firmware development under control and offers ways to linearize the complexity/size curve and ways to get better code and hardware designs.

The Art of Programming Embedded Systems
Jack Ganssle
ISBN: 0122748808
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Synopsis: Embedded systems are products such as microwave ovens, cars, and toys that rely on an internal microprocessor. This book is oriented toward the design engineer or programmer who writes the computer code for such a system. There are a number of problems specific to the embedded systems designer, and this book addresses them and offers practical solutions. It offers cookbook routines, algorithms and design techniques and includes tips for handling debugging management and testing. The philosophy of tightly coupling software and hardware in programming and developing an embedded system is explored.

Hope that's a start...


If the application is simple you maybe use a microchip but if the application is complex and you need a powerful operating system I would use an embedded pc. I am using now a PC-104:
Identify and analize your requirements carefully because they will tell you your needs.

thanks for all the information

but are there any e-books available which can be downloded for studying.

thanks in advance

is also a very good site to start with microcontrollers.

When I do a project I usually design the hardware first, keeping notes of everything (i.e. Peripheral addresses, memory blocks, etc) and then I design the firmware. Like I said, you should get an IDE kit (Integrated Development Environment) with the processor of your choice... I'm particular to 8051 because there are so many variants and options… But Atmel, PIC or Motorola also have good microcontrollers… But if you get an IDE kit, you can use their software for firmware development… They usually include an editor, an assembler and a linker… They will (or should) have a simulator that you can run your assembly program in that will “simulate” the processors internal registers and peripheral to “see” if you have any “bugs” in your assembly program… Later you may want to upgrade to a “real-time” simulator… They cost a little more, but the allow you to run your program in real time, for debugging…

Here’s some reading for the beginners…

Hope it helps,


Very much thank you,

I have started programming PIC's with the K8048 of h**p:// and I ordered free samples at the site of microchip, I am just starting I will do some more advanced thinks later, thank you for all the information in this thread!

I've taken a glance at the specs of the board, and I must say the specs are bare minimum and good only for flashing LEDs or detecting button presses. There is no serial port access, the I/O ports are not readily accessible, the xtal used is a pathetic 4MHz, and there is no 40-pin socket for 40-pin PICs.

v_kumar said:
please help me

i want to learn embeded system and i dont know how to start, can anybody help.

If you want to start playing hardware, Gameboy Advance is a good
embedded development system. You will learn many facets of embedded
systems like programming, video/audio, interrupt, timer etc.

Here is a book on that.
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"Real Time Concepts for Embedded Systems"
Author: Qing Li with Caroline Yao
Publication Date: April 1, 2003

is also a very good book

Start with Mazidi.
this is very basic book on microcontroller. Search on phillips semiconductor url there are lots of stuffs on microcontroller to start. U will find so many application notes with code.

Embeded CPU's and development tools's datasheet are good articles for reference.


Start learning a basic microntroller programming first,either assembly or C and then go for RTOS.


Try **broken link removed**, it´s a great site to start learning embedded systems.

its easy to start with but first of all you had to prepare yourself mentally that you gonna devote your time to it . just dont take it as fun really i am telling you it happens and when you have justified yourself you can leap for next just bethat and i will contact you as i am also a newbie in this field so i will share all the information i will get wth\\ uyou

hi wotan t
thanks for refering to good sites but the point is that these sites donot provide the complete material so whats for free! please refer some more good sites like the ones you refered but the ones that could be downloaded

hi wotan t
thanks for refering to good sites but the point is that these sites donot provide the complete material so whats for free! please refer some more good sites like the ones you refered but the ones that could be downloaded

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