How can I distinguish if my cable is FBUS or MBUS ar maybe both FBUS/MBUS?

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Newbie level 5
May 16, 2004
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I am using my Nokia 3310 as GSM modem connecting to my PC serial port COM2 using a data cable.

The data cable I'm using has 4 pins at the handphone connector end. How can I distinguish if my cable is FBUS or MBUS ar maybe both FBUS/MBUS?

I heard that AT commands can only be send using MBUS, is that true?

I tried sending AT commands to my Nokia 3310 using HyperTerminal but it does not give any response back to the messaging window of the HyperTerminal as I should be receiving an 'OK' response whenever I type ATZ and press ENTER. Can somebody pls help me with this...


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fbus connector

that's true that AT commands can only be used in MBUS communication on Nokias. I didn't try anything yet but I am planing on doing something with MBUS because I need AT commands.

you have a set of commands for FBUS that you can try.

mbus commands

traxonja: How do I know if my data cable is MBUS or FBUS or both?

If I have a 4 pin 3310 data cable, what kind of cable is it?

If it is both then how can i utilize just MBUS?

How do I use the set of FBUS commands?

mbus fbus

Here you can find answers for all of your questions:

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all best,


I'm trying to use AT commands and I found out that Nokia 3310 can't accept AT commands. So I switched to Nokia 8210.

I bought another data cable recently with 4 pins too. It can work with Oxygen Phone Mnager 2. But the shop owner I bought the cable from couldn't provide me with info on which type of cable it was...specifically MBUS or FBUS, he din have a clue.

Anyone knows how to identify the type of cable, or any software I can use to determine the type of cable it is?

And also, is there any programm that I can use to send AT commands directly to my Nokia 8210 and see the response from it?

Anyone that has the crack to ActiveComport Serial Port Toolkit?

fbus to rs232


You can use the Windows Api to make serial comm ,
in visual basic you can use MS-comm.

you can use the hyper terminal to see the responce of the mobile.

to know the type of the cable you can use logomanger to know which type of cables you use.

Fire in the Wire :sm2:

at command nokia 8210

check ic in cable,i used to same u.

nokia mbus at commands

is there any difference between fbus and mbus cables? Im using a data cable with a 4 pin connector, which are one for MBU, one each for FBUS Tx and RX and one for GND. The other side of the cable is a 9 pin RS-232 female. If there is a difference bw the 2 types of cable pls help me find out what kind of cable is mine? im trying to use fbus protocol to communicate with 3310 using 89c52.
is the 9pin RS232 pinout different for the Data cable or is it the same as any standard rs232 cable? if its different pls alert me

nokia fbus connector

You cannot send AT commands via MBUS nor FBUS, to send AT commands on phones that has modem, you must use a different cable, the one that has a microcontroller inside.

fbus cable philippines

Refer to this URL for FBUS source code for the PIC micro
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fbus pin picture

IF your phone is enumerated (for instance with USB DKU-2 cable) you see in device manager of windows that an Nokia Modem is enumerated. Then you can click the right mouse button then properties then test modem or something like that and you get all the AT commands your phone can accept.

nokia fbus to rs232

rik said:
The data cable I'm using has 4 pins at the handphone connector end. How can I distinguish if my cable is FBUS or MBUS ar maybe both FBUS/MBUS?

Hi rik:
about the FBUS and MBUS, Nokia 3310 has four connector places under the battery one of them is:
MBUS wich is half duplex, It sends data and receive via the same line.
and there are two FBUS connector one for Transmission and the second for Receive "FBUS Tx & FBUS Rx",
FBUS is full duplex because it can send and receive data at same time using both of FBUS Tx & FBUS Rx
Ok here you are the pins are labeled in this picture, I've downloaded it from **broken link removed**

I hope this gonna help you ;-)

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