high power high frequency high voltage too complex

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Member level 1
May 30, 2004
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hi all;
my problem is too complex i need circuit that can amplifiy any signal with amplitude 2.5+- to 2kv+- and the frequency 500kHZ with total power 300 watt
i am really dont know what i do
plz help if you can

I assume you mean 0-500KHz, not 500KHz tone or 500KHz square wave.

Have you factored load capacitance into your requirement?, i=C.dV/dT means you need about 250mA to charge and discharge 50pF of capacitance at 2Kv 500KHz.

I searched with google for a few minutes and found amps that can supply 300watt or more but don't have a high enough frequency response.

The **broken link removed** has the frequency response but not the power (40watt at 500KHz). Acording to **broken link removed** it's possible to use two amps and a transformer to get more power.

If you are going to make one then if you make an amp with transistors or IC's you are going to have to make a medium voltage high current amp and use an output transformer to get 2KV. Obvioulsy that won't work down to DC and operation at lower frequencys means a bigger transformer.

I wonder if it would be possible to use a push pull pair of thermionic valves with a hihg voltage power supply to avoid neededing an ouput transformer?

I suggest Di-Lithium crystals surrounded by a warp core jeffries tube.

It's definatley possible. Winfield Hill has designed 1MHz 5KV amplifiers

If there is lots of money available you could buy one from him.
There are other companys and consultants who would design one in return for lots of money.

The brute force approach would be somthing like a **broken link removed** in class A. It would produce about 1500watts of heat while idle.

hi all;
my problem is: i have specific wave form with max amplitude 2.5 and i need to amplifiy it with the same wave form with minmum distortion of the shape
and power 300 watt and frequency 500khz and amplitude 2kv
thanks for your help

A 500KHz sine wave just contains energy at 500KHz

A 500KHz square wave contains energy at 500KHZ, 1500KHz, 2500KHz, continuing up depending on the rise time of the edges. See this page

You need to have some idea of the frequency content of your "specific wave form" to know what frequency range you need the amplifer to work over.

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