HFSS v13.0 MoM application

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Newbie level 6
Dec 18, 2006
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Hi all, i have read that the new version of HFSS 13 has a built-in MoM solver.

I need to obtain a "pure" [Z] matrix.

My interest is the Z_mn MoM matrix in the equation:


even better if the matrix will be diagonally

I want to ask if the HFSS 13 can extract an output file wich concludes the Z


This can be done in EMCoS MoM solver. There you can extract in ASCII files all Z, J and E (named Z, I and U).

To do so include following lines in the input file:

Z = yes
U = yes
I = yes

in the display block.

Here what is stated in User Manual:

Commands Z, U and I control producing and filling auxiliary files with additional
data information: ‘InpFile.Z.out’ (impedance matrix), ‘InpFile.U.out’ (excitation,
or right part, column), and ‘InpFile.I.out’ (currents solution), where InpFile is the
name of input file, but without extension .in. This may be done assigning yes to
the corresponding command. If the command is assigned no or none, no
auxiliary file for this command is produced. Currently, commands Z, U and I are
available only for the solvers AMS and LAPACK, AGGR.
The auxiliary files ‘InpFile.Z.out’, ‘InpFile.U.out’ and ‘InpFile.I.out’ are structured
as follows. First line of each file gives, in series, a total number of unknowns,
number of non-boundary edges, number of wire/triangle junctions, number of
wire/wire junctions, and number of ground attachments (for wire segments).
Next lines give, elementwise, the elements of corresponding matrices (first, the
rows, and then columns).

EMCoS Antenna Virtual Lab - there is free Student Version on request from the site.


I faced the same problem some time ago and I found **broken link removed**, and the authors included a special function to save the Z matrix.

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