HFSS Radiation Boundary Problem

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Newbie level 5
Oct 22, 2004
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I tried to design microstrip on the dilectric material.However I want to see radiation all around the design.First, I design waveport and coax in the radiation boundary,then gave error. Then I define two different coax and I put my waveport outside of the radiation boundary and I substract inner coax from air.Then I achieved to simulate my design.But I didn't believe that this is true solution. This type of approach can be valid or not?And are there any method to observe all around design without problem of waveport?If anyone helps me, I will be really grateful.
not:I attach my final design to message


First of all, I did not run simulation, but i could see that the setup of Coaxial wave port is wrong, i just see you have assigned two lumped port on the face of inner conductor of two different coaxial port. Definitely, it is not an usual practice of creating wave port.
please bear in mind that, wave port is a source of wave that feed into your structure externally.
Lumped is source of signal that feed into your structure internally, I will suggest you to create wave port first~

best regards,

Thanks a lot.I am going to try your advice. And I want to ask another thing, What is the difference Driven Terminal and Driven Modal in HFSS?If you help me, I am so thankful.

Added after 13 minutes:

When I defined only one waveport,The S11 parameters always 1, this means no current goes to other side.What is the problem of this sir?I don't understand this type of problem.

Who can help me out?

I´m designing an microstrip antenna on a cylindrical tube in HFSS, but adding two antennas is toooo much for this software. Needs more than 3 GBytes RAM and 1GByte file and several hours (more than 12 hours) ---> Results are not reliable, the reference was taken from designer for a planar case.
I know there was a one called CLEMENTINE constued for cylindrical structures , so for my antenna.

Please help!

If you have access to 64bit Sun or HP machine with enough RAM, you should be able to complete the simulation using HFSS.

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