hfss error

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Newbie level 6
Sep 21, 2011
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hi guys

I have design an microstrip antenna in hfss but when i run it 3 error occur

[error] Objects "Sub1" and "EBG_Cylinder" intersect. (6:21:43 PM May 09, 2012)
[error] Objects "Sub1" and "EBG_Cylinder_side" intersect. (6:21:43 PM May 09, 2012)
[error] Simulation completed with execution error on server: Local Machine. (6:21:43 PM May 09, 2012)

what dose it mean?

It means they intersect. And HFSS had a hard time determining who should overwrite whom. I had this too, this happened when both objects are conductor with finite conductivity. If you have metal intersecting dielectric, it's usually OK, the metal will take the priority.

Pick the objects that intersect, and then subtract them. The menu refer to a "tool" and something else - I forget what that is. I remember deciding the tool was a drill. So if I wanted to remove material A, from that of B, so A and B did not intersect, I would make A the "tool".

error 1&2: if two objects intersect, they meet or go across each other.you should separated from each other by subtract.
error3: a logical or scientific error occurred in your design however validation is true.
Good Luck

Hfss-> design settings check the box to enable material override. then if metal intersects dielectric, the metal takes precedence. If dielectrics intersect the smaller will take precedence, if same material metals then you should unite them, different metals clone and then subtract or subtract them depending on what you are going for. Third error should go away when the others are fixed unless there's another issue.

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