HFSS communication error

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Newbie level 1
Nov 16, 2010
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I Have been using HFSS v 12.1 for a few months. Right now I'm simulating an antenna array with only 3 elements (dipoles) and reduced transmission lines.

I always assign mesh operations manually and this time I have problems with the simulation process. After one of the adaptive passes I got this error message:

[error] Communication failure. System error no: 109, error description:Unknown error
[error] Communication failure. System error no: 109, error description:Unknown error
[error] Adaptive solution setup, process hf3d exited with code 100.
[error] Communication failure. System error no: 232, error description:Unknown error
[error] hfsscomengine, process hf3d died unexpectedly.
[error] Simulation completed with execution error on server: Local Machine.

i don't Know how to fix this problem, if someone can help me I'll apreciate it.

Did you find a solution? Please respond, I am stuck at the same error and its frustrating. In last 12 hours I have tried to simulate a transmission line that I simulated in my computer earlier. I have tried restarting the computer also, it didn't work.

Could it be your computer problem? Memory or virus?
Have you tested with more designs?
Happens this at one particular design or on all designs?

I also get "communication errors" sometimes when the simulation runs out of memory.

hey did you guys find a solution to this problem, please let me know if you did. I have a similar problem

Hi! I had exactly the same error message as kikesama99 but with HFSS13 , and after one day of trials I realized that I got a virus! on my computer. After the successful removal, the HFSS runs flawlessly again! Hope that helps..
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